Trees, shrubs and vines

There are 572 products.
Showing 121 - 150 of 572 items
  • Lespedeza thunbergii 'Edo Shibori' Lespedeza thunbergii 'Edo Shibori'
    Lespedeza thunbergii 'Edo Shibori'
    Lespedeza thunbergii

    Cultivar with bicolor, pink and white flowers. Plant that loses the aerial part every winter, but whose foliage reaches 2 meters in diameter. Magnificent legume-like flowers (similar to wisteria) along most of the branch in late summer - early autumn.

    15,00 €
  • Salvia greggii 'Dancing Doll'
    Salvia greggii 'Dancing Doll'
    Salvia greggii 'Dancing Doll'

    Foglie aromatiche, fiori rosa fucsia che trascolorano al rosa chiaro-lilla, rifiorisce continuamente da primavera ad autunno.

    10,00 €
  • Caryopteris x clandonensis 'White Surprise'
    Caryopteris x clandonensis 'White Surprise'
    Caryopteris x clandonensis

    Variante a foglie variegate di bianco, aromatiche, con magnifici fiori apicali blu, a fine estate.

    12,00 €
  • Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess'
    Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess'
    Spiraea japonica

    Dwarf Spirea, suitable as a ground cover, small, fine and structured foliage; forms a dense, compact cushion 50 cm high by 1 m wide. Beautiful clusters of pink flowers from mid spring to early summer.

    12,00 €
  • Mahonia x media ‘Charity’ Mahonia x media ‘Charity’
    Mahonia x media ‘Charity’
    Mahonia x media ‘Charity’

    Evergreen shrub with vertical habit, shoots off with maturity and therefore has multiple tops, with beautiful pinnate leaves. The yellow flowers are very showy, gathered in about 35 cm long terminal racemes; follow magnificent blue berries. Among the first shrubs of the year to flower, at the beginning of winter.

    12,00 €
  • Viburnum davidii Viburnum davidii
    Viburnum davidii 'Angustifolia'
    Viburnum davidii 'Angustifolia'

    Insolito viburno dalle foglie allungate lunghe fino a 15 cm, più strette della specie, utile come arbusto coprente basso e largo. Dopo la fioritura produce bacche di colore blu riunite in ombrelle.

    10,00 €
  • Salvia microphylla 'Elba'
    Salvia microphylla 'Elba'
    Salvia microphylla 'Elba'

    Salvia dai fiori color rosa carico, prodotti gran parte dell’anno dalla primavera all’autunno, foglie deliziosamente profumate.

    10,00 €
  • Rosa 'Chinesis Mutabilis' Rosa 'Chinesis Mutabilis'
    Rosa 'Chinensis Mutabilis'
    Rosa 'Chinensis Mutabilis'

    In piena fioritura con i suoi fiori multicolori, sembra essere coperta di farfalle. Profumo delicato. Fiori a 5 petali. (singoli) diametro medio di 8 cm. Fiorisce a ondate tutta la stagione. Foglie verde scuro. 300X180 cm massimo di ampiezza.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa x centifolia Rosa x centifolia
    Rosa x centifolia
    Rosa 'Chloris'

    Gallica rose in bunches and intensely scented, followed by red berries. This old rose is very hardy and vigorous. In flower it is very prolific.

    25,00 €
  • Hydrangea quercifolia Hydrangea quercifolia
    Hydrangea quercifolia
    Hydrangea quercifolia

    Hydrangea with oak leaves, it grows well both in the sun and in the shade,  it reaches about 150 cm in height and width large white flowers with elongated panicles. Attractive bark in winter.

    18,00 €
  • Magnolia stellata Magnolia stellata
    Magnolia stellata
    Magnolia stellata

    25,00 €
  • Calycanthus  “Hartlage Wine” (Sinocalycanthus chinensis) Calycanthus  “Hartlage Wine” (Sinocalycanthus chinensis)
    Calycanthus 'Aphrodite' (Sinocalycanthus chinensis)
    Calycanthus 'Aphrodite'

    Unusual shrub with showy star-shaped flowers, up to 10 cm, (larger than 'Hartlage Wine') cherry / purple color. In bloom from May throughout the summer, it has a delicious fruity fragrance. In 10 years it can reach 250 cm. The ideal for this shrub is the morning sun.

    35,00 €
  • Yucca gloriosa “Tricolor” Yucca gloriosa “Tricolor”
    Yucca gloriosa “Tricolor”
    Yucca gloriosa “Tricolor”

    Yucca variegata tricolor with shades of ivory, pink and green. For beautiful vivid colors it must receive a lot of sun and winter cold. It grows slowly with strong sword-like leaves, develops a short woody stem, and the leaves are broad and stiff agave-like with a trunk. Drought tolerant, yucca is suitable for xeriscaping and low maintenance pots.

    30,00 €
  • Parrotia persica 'Persian Lace' Parrotia persica 'Persian Lace'
    Parrotia persica 'Persian Lace'
    Parrotia persica 'Persian Lace'

    Extremely rare dwarf tree (reaches 3.60 m / 4.30 m in 15 years). It has leaves with irregular edges and which are randomly variegated in shades of cream-white, with dark green speckled margins and shades of pink here and there. It blooms on bare branches in winter. An interesting and unique tree for 4 seasons prized by collectors.

    30,00 €
  • Cornus controversa (brachipoda) 'Orange Beauty' Cornus controversa (brachipoda) 'Orange Beauty'
    Cornus controversa (brachipoda) 'Orange Beauty'
    Cornus controversa (brachipoda)

    Cornus controversa, syn. C. brachipoda or Swida controversa, native to China, the Himalayas and Japan is a deciduous tree that grows up to 15 meters in height (in 20/50 years) with multi-layered horizontal branches. Very ornamental: flat panicles of white flowers appear in summer, followed by globular black berries. The leaves turn a rich red-purple in...

    25,00 €
  • Satureja spicigera Satureja spicigera
    Satureja spicigera
    Satureja spicigera

    The ground cover savory is a semi-evergreen perennial shrub, with fine foliage, abundant late white flowers, when little else blooms, and an aroma of pepper and salt. It requires very little maintenance and attracts pollinating insects useful for the garden. Drought tolerant, it grows even in very poor soils. Enhanced in a pot where it is hanging,...

    8,00 €
  • Rosa 'Veilchenblau'
    Rosa 'Veilchenblau'
    Rosa 'Veilchenblau'

    Rosa antica multiflora color viola descritta come la più blu delle rose; fiorisce in grandi mazzi seguiti da cinorrodi color bordeaux lucido e scuro a grappoli.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Laminuette' Rosa 'Laminuette'
    Rosa 'Laminuette'
    Rosa 'Laminuette'

    Rosa da taglio profumata e rifiorente, con bei boccioli, adatta al vaso e per fiori recisi.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'York and Lancaster' Rosa 'York and Lancaster'
    Rosa 'York and Lancaster'
    Rosa 'York and Lancaster'

    Rosa antica molto resistente, dagli incredibili fiori bicolore, e insieme completamente rosa o bianchi sulla stessa pianta.

    25,00 €
  • Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'
    Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'
    Magnolia grandiflora

    Magnolia sempreverde nana e compatta (arriva molto lentamente a 4-5 m di altezza per 2,5 di larghezza). Ha magnifici grandi fiori profumatissimi color panna, di lunga durata, che vengono prodotti tutta la bella stagione finchè le temperature si mantengono sopra i 20°C, da primavera ad autunno.

    60,00 €
  • Fargesia dracocephala 'Rufa'
    Fargesia dracocephala 'Rufa'
    Fargesia dracocephala 'Rufa'

    Bambù cespitoso, con radici meno aggressive (in quanto non ha lunghi rizomi) dei bambù più conosciuti e di dimensioni contenute (raggiunge massimo i 3 metri a maturità). Elegante con bei rami arcuati, adatto al vaso e per creare siepi.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Rose de Rescht' Rosa 'Rose de Rescht'
    Rosa 'Rose de Rescht'
    Rosa 'Rose de Rescht'

    Rosa Portland della prima metà dell'800. Di un viola-porpora carico, tollerante l'ombra. Intensa fragranza. Fiori molto pieni di circa 6 cm, fino a 50 petali.  Rifiorente. Compatta, densa, alta da 90 a 120 cm. Larga fino a 75 cm.

    25,00 €
  • Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Angustifolia' Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Angustifolia'
    Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Angustifolia'
    Trachelospermum jasminoides

    Falso gelsomino sempreverde con foglie scure cuoiose e allungate, magnifico come tappezzante o ricadente, come bordura in piena terra e in vaso.

    12,00 €
  • Fuchsia 'Ardenza' Fuchsia 'Ardenza'
    Fuchsia 'Ardenza'
    Fuchsia 'Ardenza'

    Giant italian fuchsia, very vigorous and resistant to frost, blooms very abundantly all summer until the arrival of frost. It completely loses the aerial part in harsh winters, throwing back and reaching 200 cm (if in full ground) without problems. Also suitable for pots for the beautiful arched branches.

    20,00 €
  • Escallonia nana 'Red Dream' Escallonia nana 'Red Dream'
    Escallonia nana 'Red Dream'
    Escallonia nana 'Red Dream'

    Dwarf shrub with prolonged and impactful summer flowering. Masses of small clusters of amaranth pink flowers form on erect stems, with evergreen, glossy foliage. Maximum width 80 cm, for 60 cm in height.

    15,00 €
  • Nandina domestica 'Twilight' Nandina domestica 'Twilight'
    Nandina domestica 'Twilight'
    Nandina domestica 'Twilight'

    Nandina nana (fino a 120 cm), tondeggiante, compatta, con foglie variegate di bianco e nuovi germogli rosa-rossi. Sfumata di arancio e rosso in autunno.

    15,00 €
  • Acer palmatum 'Pixie' Acer palmatum 'Pixie'
    Acer palmatum 'Pixie'
    Acer palmatum

    Japanese dwarf maple that reaches a maximum of 250 cm; very flashy, a dwarf version of the hugely popular 'Bloodgood'. It has the same 5-lobed deciduous leaves of a rich burgundy red in the summer and a striking magenta red in the fall. It grows in full sun, where it retains the intense color best. It grows slowly, only 10-15 cm per year, forming an...

    28,00 €
  • Vitex agnus castus Vitex agnus castus
    Vitex agnus castus
    Vitex agnus castus

    Summer flowering shrub with magnificent blue spikes. The beautiful leaves are unusual palmate and fragrant. The flowers also smell spicy. Leaves and flowers can be used in decoctions. It can reach 5 meters in width, but flowering on new branches, it can be vigorously pruned at the end of winter.

    15,00 €
  • Rhodotypos scandens Rhodotypos scandens
    Rhodotypos scandens
    Rhodotypos scandens

    Shrub similar to kerria with abundant spring flowering, very resistant. Black berries in the autumn-winter.

    20,00 €
  • Lonicera caprifolium 'Inga' Lonicera caprifolium 'Inga'
    Lonicera caprifolium 'Inga'
    Lonicera caprifolium

    Deciduous climber (evergreen in mild climates or depending on winter rigidity) with rapid growth, with oval, bluish-green leaves and very fragrant flowers, pink and cream, with terminal clusters. Red-orange berries in the autumn.

    20,00 €

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