Shrubby rose of great impact, very remontant and healthy. Create thick spots of a very bright geranium red. A must have for anyone who loves red.
The flowers offer an exceptional spectacle and they are very fragrant, although the most striking feature of Heptacodium comes after the flowers have dead. At the beginning of autumn, small, inconspicuous fruits ripen, surrounded by persistent calyces that look like petals, pink-purple. Attract butterflies.
Large-leaved lacecap hydrangea with magnificent heart-shaped sepals, large and evident. The stems are black hence the name of the cultivar.
Fast growing evergreen climber, can be grown outdoors in mild areas. Large mauve flowers about 8 cm in diameter from spring to autumn. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Variante a foglie variegate di bianco, aromatiche, con magnifici fiori apicali blu, a fine estate.
Pianta che perde ogni inverno la parte aerea, ma la cui chioma raggiunge i 2 mt di diametro. Magnifici fiori fucsia di forma tipica delle leguminose lungo gran parte del ramo a fine estate - inizio autunno.
Dwarf Spirea, suitable as a ground cover, small, fine and structured foliage; forms a dense, compact cushion 50 cm high by 1 m wide. Beautiful clusters of pink flowers from mid spring to early summer.
Rampicante erbaceo di facilissima coltivazione (pari al comune vilucchio dei prati o convolvolo) a lunga fioritura che si ripete per tutta l’estate. Ha il fascino della pianta esotica e magnifici fiori doppi a pom pom, color rosa, pur essendo perfettamente resistente al gelo intenso: arriva a -20°C.
Rampicante sempreverde che cresce bene sia in sole che in ombra; magnifica colorazione a foglie spruzzate di crema che col freddo diventano rosa/porpora. Fiori bianchi e gialli molto profumati dalla tarda primavera a inizio autunno.
This vigorous climbing perennial easily covers larger supports such as arches or pergolas, which it illuminates with multiple small, fragrant white flowers. From mid-summer it is a real avalanche of stars that extends until September. Rustic, it likes sunny or partially shaded exposures. Prune low in spring if desired.
Arbusto a fioritura precocissima (fiorisce anche sotto la neve) di fine inverno soavemente profumato. Si può potare della forma desiderata appena dopo la fioritura (può raggiungere a maturità i 3,5 l x 4 metri.).
Gallica rose in bunches and intensely scented, followed by red berries. This old rose is very hardy and vigorous. In flower it is very prolific.
Arbusto con rami arcuati flessuosi, che forma macchie a ventaglio. Magnifiche bacche alle ascelle fogliari viola, molto numerose che persistono dopo la caduta del fogliame. Fiori lilla in estate. Foglie dorate in autunno, in magnifico contrasto con le bacche.
Abundant flowers and long flowering season. From the end of spring to the autumn, the flowers show off a beautiful range of tender pink to deeper pink shades. Deciduous.
White stripes on the mustard-colored bark and bright red coral-colored new shoots that retain their color even in winter. It can be pruned every year to make it branch and keep it as a shrub. Or it can be grown as a small tree. Magnificent autumn color of the leaves, which in spring are splashed with white.
Hydrangea with oak leaves, it grows well both in the sun and in the shade, it reaches about 150 cm in height and width large white flowers with elongated panicles. Attractive bark in winter.
Unusual shrub with showy star-shaped flowers, up to 10 cm, (larger than 'Hartlage Wine') cherry / purple color. In bloom from May throughout the summer, it has a delicious fruity fragrance. In 10 years it can reach 250 cm. The ideal for this shrub is the morning sun.
Called false jasmine, climbing or hanging, spring flowering. Suitable for pots and planters, climbs on structures and covers quickly. Beautiful also used on walls or balconies as a procumbent falls. The scent of white flowers is sweet and intense.
'Président Grévy' is a double-flowered lilac cultivar, appreciated for its extremely fragrant, light blue-lilac flowers, which bloom in large conical panicles in May. It typically grows to 250-300cm in height and spreads to 150cm in width. It is named after Francois Paul Jules Grevy (1807-1891) who was president of France from 1879-1887.
Shrub with early spring flowering, with showy abundant flowering, which appears before the foliage, known as "Japanese quince, flowering quince" or "peach blossom". Cultivar with orange flowers.
Cultivar with bicolor, pink and white flowers. Plant that loses the aerial part every winter, but whose foliage reaches 2 meters in diameter. Magnificent legume-like flowers (similar to wisteria) along most of the branch in late summer - early autumn.
This medium sized shrub has a long flowering period (Spring, Summer, Autumn), is fast growing. It attracts butterflies and bees and works well as an informal hedge. It enjoys a sunny position, well drained soil, benefits from a natural fertilizer in Spring and a light prune/shape after Spring. Suitable outside in mild places (coasts, islands, central...
Cornus controversa, syn. C. brachipoda or Swida controversa, native to China, the Himalayas and Japan is a deciduous tree that grows up to 15 meters in height (in 20/50 years) with multi-layered horizontal branches. Very ornamental: flat panicles of white flowers appear in summer, followed by globular black berries. The leaves turn a rich red-purple in...
Rosa antica molto resistente, dagli incredibili fiori bicolore, e insieme completamente rosa o bianchi sulla stessa pianta.
Bambù cespitoso, con radici meno aggressive (in quanto non ha lunghi rizomi) dei bambù più conosciuti e di dimensioni contenute (raggiunge massimo i 3 metri a maturità). Elegante con bei rami arcuati, adatto al vaso e per creare siepi.
Shrub similar to kerria with abundant spring flowering, very resistant. Black berries in the autumn-winter.
Fast rustic climber, resistant to frost. In harsh winters it loses all the aerial part and then completely resprout in spring. The re-flowering (from spring until the arrival of frost), the scent, and the particularity of the unique flower make this climber incredible, it can be grown both in pots and in the ground. It resists without problems up to -16 °...
Rose floribunda yellow-gold, blooms in waves throughout the season. Bushy, glossy, with dark green foliage.Suitable for pots and in mixed borders, it is a small, round shrub; beautiful as cutting flower.
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