Trees, shrubs and vines

There are 572 products.
Showing 61 - 90 of 572 items
  • Salvia microphylla 'Navajo'
    Salvia microphylla 'Navajo'
    Salvia microphylla 'Navajo'

    Salvia con fiori gialli, rifiorente dalla primavera all’autunno, resistente a gelo e caldo intenso, con fogliame aromatico.

    8,00 €
  • Calystegia pubescens 'Multiplex' Calystegia pubescens 'Multiplex'
    Calystegia pubescens 'Multiplex'
    Calystegia pubescens 'Multiplex'

    Rampicante erbaceo di facilissima coltivazione (pari al comune vilucchio dei prati o convolvolo) a lunga fioritura che si ripete per tutta l’estate. Ha il fascino della pianta esotica e magnifici fiori doppi a pom pom, color rosa, pur essendo perfettamente resistente al gelo intenso: arriva a -20°C.

    20,00 €
  • Tamarix tetrandra Tamarix tetrandra
    Tamarix tetrandra
    Tamarix tetrandra

    Arbusto o piccolo albero tollernate sole, calore, siccità, gelo e salinità. Ha rami eleganti arcuati, germogli purpurei e foglie aghiformi verde-grigie, fiori a 4 petali rosa chiaro primaverili.

    12,00 €
  • Leycesteria formosa 'Jealousy'
    Leycesteria formosa 'Jealousy'
    Leycesteria formosa 'Jealousy'

    Leycesteria compatta, a foglia dorata, il cui nuovo fogliame è sfumato di bronzo. Valorizzata in vaso, produce spighe di fiori bianchi, circondati da brattee bordeaux, ricadenti. Le bacche bordeaux che seguono sono commestibili, adatta sia al sole che all'ombra luminosa, evitare il sole delle ore più calde.

    20,00 €
  • Viburnum tinus 'Variegatum' Viburnum tinus 'Variegatum'
    Viburnum tinus 'Variegatum'
    Viburnum tinus 'Variegatum'

    Arbusto sempreverde con foglie lucide evidentemente venate, verde scuro, mazzetti di piccoli fiori color crema-rosa in primavera, seguiti da bacche ovoidali rosse e poi nere a maturazione.

    20,00 €
  • Hibiscus syriacus
    Hibiscus syriacus
    Hibiscus syriacus

    Arbusto molto fiorifero, per tutta l’estate fino a inizio autunno. Quelli presenti in vivaio li otteniamo da seme e quindi sono un mix variabile dal bianco all’azzurro, passando per il rosa.

    10,00 €
  • Paulownia tomentosa Paulownia tomentosa
    Paulownia tomentosa
    Paulownia tomentosa

    Young plants of magnificent tree with large and distinctive large heart-shaped leaves, and 5-7 cm lilac, trumpet-shaped, fragrant flowers, carried on enormous panicles up to 35 cm long. It reaches 19 meters. The trunk reaches ø 1.2 m, it can make branches of 3 m in length per year, so the juvenile form has no relevance. Prune every year after flowering.

    15,00 €
  • Prunus incisa ‘Kojo-no-mai’ Prunus incisa ‘Kojo-no-mai’
    Prunus incisa ‘Kojo-no-mai’
    Prunus incisa ‘Kojo-no-mai’

    Early late winter flowering Japanese flowering cherry. Abundant pale pink flowers, on highly ornamental twisted branches, dwarf and compact habit. Magnificent bright orange-red leaves in autumn.

    25,00 €
  • Hypericum moserianum 'Tricolor' Hypericum moserianum 'Tricolor'
    Hypericum moserianum 'Tricolor'
    Hypericum moserianum 'Tricolor'

    Semi-evergreen shrub hypericum, with tricolor variegated leaves. The margins of the leaves are white, golden and pink, very showy. Yellow flowers throughout the summer, from July to September.

    12,00 €
  • Spirea x vanhouttei Spirea x vanhouttei
    Spiraea × vanhouttei
    Spiraea × vanhouttei

    Deciduous shrub with spring flowering with white little flowers in corymbs.  Dry resistant once rooted, prune it immediately after flowering.

    9,00 €
  • Elaeagnus ebbingei "Maryline" Elaeagnus ebbingei "Maryline"
    Elaeagnus ebbingei "Maryline"
    Elaeagnus ebbingei Maryline"

    Cream-colored foliage, almost white, with a thin dark green border. The variety of eleagnus with the lightest leaves in existence.

    20,00 €
  • Ilex crenata "Convexa" Ilex crenata "Convexa"
    Ilex crenata "Convexa"
    Ilex crenata

    Beautiful evergreen shrub of the Aquifoliaceae family, extremely dense that adapts well to heavy pruning and hedge topiary and grows up to 2.5m. Unlike boxwood, it does not suffer from borer. The plant blooms in late spring and its fruits ripen in the fall. The fruits are black and inconspicuous and the leaves are generally smaller than the 'Hetzii' or...

    8,00 €
  • Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' (sin. 'Morning Mist') Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' (sin. 'Morning Mist')
    Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' (sin. 'Morning Mist')
    Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary'

    Hybrid of Buddleja loricata and B. crispa. It is a dwarf shrub (maximum 120x120) round, with white flowers with a fragrance of honey and musk. Attract pollinators with nectar-rich blooms. Useful in intense and dry sun, in well-drained soil. Suitable for pots. Mediterranean appearance of the magnificently silvery foliage. Evergreen in mild climates.

    15,00 €
  • Lonicera fragrantissima Lonicera fragrantissima
    Lonicera fragrantissima
    Lonicera fragrantissima

    This shrub blooms in late winter, covering itself with flowers on the still bare branches. It has a strong scent, with notes of jasmine, citrus and honey. Red berries follow in summer. It reaches about 2.5 x 2.5 meters, growing harmoniously, in a rounded way with its arched branches.

    15,00 €
  • Lagerstroemia indica 'Black Solitaire Blush' Lagerstroemia indica 'Black Solitaire Blush'
    Lagerstroemia indica 'Black Solitaire Blush'
    Lagerstroemia indica

    Unusual lagerstroemia cultivar with dark, almost black leaves. Color improves with greater insolation. White flowers in summer. Slow-growing shrub also suitable for pots.

    18,00 €
  • Rosa 'Chippendale' Rosa 'Chippendale'
    Rosa 'Chippendale'
    Rosa 'Chippendale'

    Rosa ibrido di tea fiori enormi fino a 100 petali, col fascino opulento delle rose antiche. Rifiorentissima e intensamente profumata.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Red Flame' (sin. 'Comandante Cousteau', 'Le Grand Huit') Rosa 'Red Flame' (sin. 'Comandante Cousteau', 'Le Grand Huit')
    Rosa 'Red Flame' (sin. 'Comandante Cousteau', 'Le Grand Huit')
    Rosa 'Red Flame'

    Rosa rampicante profumatissima, vigoroso a grandi fiori (diametro medio 10 cm), doppi, fino a 25 petali, a forma di coppa. magnifico rosso scuro vellutato. Fiorisce a ondate per tutta la stagione. Grande, lucido, fogliame verde scuro. Altezza e larghezza fino a 4 m.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa canina 'Alba' Rosa canina 'Alba'
    Rosa canina 'Alba'
    Rosa canina 'Alba'

    Mutazione a fiore bianco della rosa selvatica spontanea italiana, seguono magnifici cinorrodi allungati rosso intenso.

    15,00 €
  • Ribes grossularia (Uva spina, rossa) Ribes grossularia (Uva spina, rossa)
    Ribes grossularia (Uva spina, rossa)
    Ribes grossularia

    I frutti rotondi e polposi maturano da inizio estate, sapore dolce acidulo. 

    12,00 €
  • Rubus fruticosus 'Chester Thornless' (inermis) Rubus fruticosus 'Chester Thornless' (inermis)
    Rubus fruticosus 'Chester Thornless' (inermis)
    Rubus fruticosus

    Vigorous blackberry without thorns that produces large fruits in late summer.

    15,00 €
  • Acer x conspicuum 'Red Flamingo' Acer x conspicuum 'Red Flamingo'
    Acer x conspicuum 'Red Flamingo'
    Acer x conspicuum 'Red Flamingo'

    White stripes on the mustard-colored bark and bright red coral-colored new shoots that retain their color even in winter. It can be pruned every year to make it branch and keep it as a shrub. Or it can be grown as a small tree. Magnificent autumn color of the leaves, which in spring are splashed with white.

    20,00 €
  • Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'
    Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'
    Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'

    With the cold of autumn and even more the cold of winter, the color of the bark becomes almost fluorescent. The color of the leaves is a light green that appears very bright in contrast with the beautiful coral-colored bark.

    32,00 €
  • Weigela florida "Minor Black" Weigela florida "Minor Black"
    Weigela florida "Minor Black"
    Weigela florida

    Weigela with purple leaves, very compact and low maintenance, should be pruned immediately after flowering, removing the old and weak branches, favoring the young green and smooth. It does not exceed 75 cm. The contrast of the striking purple / black foliage with the abundant pink trumpet-shaped flowers make it one of the most eye-catching deciduous...

    10,00 €
  • Rosa 'Charles de Mills' Rosa 'Charles de Mills'
    Rosa 'Charles de Mills'
    Rosa 'Charles de Mills'

    Gallica rose from the end of the 18th century. Deep purple-purple, shade tolerant. Intense fragrance. Very full flowers of about 12 cm, up to 40 petals. Compact, dense, it forms a shrub of 150 x 150 cm.

    25,00 €
  • Calycanthus floridus Calycanthus floridus
    Calycanthus floridus
    Calycanthus floridus

    Deciduous shrub with showy fragrant early summer flowering that is a combination of pineapple, strawberry and banana scents. The scientific name comes from the Greek words 'kaylx' which means chalice and 'anthos' which means flowers. It prefers a little shade on hot summer afternoons, so it is better to prefer the morning sun as an exposure.

    15,00 €
  • Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo' Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo'
    Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo'
    Physocarpus opulifolius

    Pianta arbustiva con magnifiche foglie purpuree – nere, a fiori bianchi in primavera. I fiori sfioriti assumono una colorazione rosa e sono gradevoli anche dopo la fioritura, in contrasto con il fogliame.

    12,00 €
  • Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana' Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana'
    Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana'
    Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana'

    Arbusto compatto che fiorisce abbondantemente dalla tarda primavera all’estate e porta mazzetti di fiorellini rosa e bianchi sulla stessa pianta.

    15,00 €
  • Prunus lusitanica "Angustifolia" Prunus lusitanica "Angustifolia"
    Prunus lusitanica "Angustifolia"
    Prunus lusitanica

    Evergreen shrub, with oval and elongated leaves, dense and compact growth. the new branches have bright red stems. Small, fragrant white flowers gathered in racemes in early summer. Red-purple berries follow. The growth is compact, adapts very well to the pot and for low maintenance hedges.

    15,00 €
  • Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Tricolor' Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Tricolor'
    Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Tricolor'
    Trachelospermum jasminoides

    Un attraente pianta strisciante o ricadente a crescita lenta con fogliame variegato verde spruzzato di bianco-crema, la cui crescita di foglie nuove è invece di un’appariscente rosa e crema.

    15,00 €
  • Clematis montana ‘Grandiflora’ Clematis montana ‘Grandiflora’
    Clematis montana ‘Grandiflora’
    Clematis montana ‘Grandiflora’

    Pianta rampicante molto vigorosa (raggiunge la dozzina di metri di lunghezza) con foglie trifoliate. Singoli fiori bianchi di 7 centimetri di diametro in tarda primavera/inizio estate con occasionali fiori successive.

    25,00 €

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