Plants that naturalize

There are 93 products.
Showing 61 - 90 of 93 items
  • Ruellia brittoniana 'Alba' Ruellia brittoniana 'Alba'
    Ruellia brittoniana 'Alba'
    Ruellia brittoniana

    Vigorous herbaceous perennial plant, low maintenance, with magnificent white trumpet flowers produced all year round in mild climates and in large numbers.

    10,00 €
  • Pleioblastus pygmaeus var. distichus Pleioblastus pygmaeus var. distichus
    Pleioblastus pygmaeus var. distichus
    Tulbaghia 'Enya'

    Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, grey-green leaves, scented with garlic. They form large tufts with scented pale pink-violet flowers with a creamy yellow center (similar to the flowers of small daffodils), blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for...

    8,00 €
  • Impatiens balfourii Impatiens balfourii
    Impatiens balfourii
    Impatiens balfourii

    Conosciuto con il nome comune di ‘Orchidea dei poveri’ questo impatiens annuale ha fiori davvero magnifici che ricordano piccole orchidee e prodotti in numero spropositato dalla primavera all’arrivo dell’inverno. Si risemina colonizzando rapidamente zone ombrose.

    12,00 €
  • Flowering lilies of the valley Flowering lilies of the valley
    Out of stock
    Flowering lilies of the valley
    Fioritura mughetti

    Lilies of the valley form carpets of leaves after spring flowering, very opaque for shady areas. In winter they go to rest to reappear in spring and bloom among the first perennials of the season. The scent is heavenly; the expansion seems slow at first, but each center produces another 2 or 3 each year, so it is exponential and dense. It is advisable to...

    127,50 € 150,00 € -15%
  • Pseuderanthemum alatum
    Pseuderanthemum alatum
    Pseuderanthemum alatum

    Small shade-giving herbaceous perennial with silver-flecked chocolate-copper leaves and pretty magenta flowers. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.

    15,00 €
  • Tulbaghia violacea "Alba" Tulbaghia violacea "Alba"
    Tulbaghia violacea "Alba"
    Tulbaghia violacea

    Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, garlic-scented gray-green leaves. They form large tufts with fragrant flowers, Blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. The "Alba" cultivar has white flowers. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for many years, able to thrive in rather poor soils.

    8,00 €
  • Colchicum autumnale 'Water Lily' Colchicum autumnale 'Water Lily'
    Colchicum autumnale 'Water Lily'
    Colchicum autumnale

    Late flowering autumn crocus (October) gives spectacular flowers similar to a water lily, and large: 20 cm in diameter. In fact, the bulb is also large, about 12/15 cm in diameter. To be planted among perennials to give them a backdrop of foliage or alone for the spectacle of flowers sprouting directly from the ground without leaves.

    6,00 €
  • Hepatica nobilis (sin. Anemone hepatica) Hepatica nobilis (sin. Anemone hepatica)
    Hepatica nobilis (sin. Anemone hepatica)
    Hepatica nobilis

    Magnifica rizomatosa con fiori blu-azzurri, fino a 3 cm di diametro, foglie trilobate, lucide e leggermente variegate (particolarmente evidente al risveglio vegetativo). Originaria dei boschi.

    8,00 €
  • Bletilla striata 'Alba' Bletilla striata 'Alba'
    Bletilla striata 'Alba'
    Bletilla striata 'Alba'

    Bulbosa della stessa famiglia degli amarillis (e richiede le medesime cure), con inconsueti infiorescenze estive rosse a forma di palla, foglie coriacee che lo fanno assomigliare a un piccolo banano, disposte a spirale.

    8,00 €
  • Bletilla striata (sin. B. hyacinthina) Bletilla striata (sin. B. hyacinthina)
    Bletilla striata (sin. B. hyacinthina)
    Bletilla striata

    Bletilla striata is a terrestrial orchid that produces small pink-purple cattleya-like flowers (up to 4cm long) in 3-7 flowering racemes atop bare stems up to 45cm tall. It blooms from mid to late spring. Each pseudobulb typically produces 3-5 leaves, linear, pleated, papery, sword-shaped, light green (up to about 30 cm long). The ideal exposure is the...

    8,00 €
  • Tinantia pringlei Tinantia pringlei
    Tinantia pringlei
    Tinantia pringlei

    Tradescantia with leaves with purple dots, the sunnier the exposure, the more purplish-violet rather than green the leaves are. In bloom from late winter to late autumn, very showy, also used in flowerbeds (it resists frost down to -12°C; it was collected in the Sierra Chiquita mountains, Mexico at an altitude of 3400m) losing the aerial part in winter ....

    7,00 €
  • Centranthus ruber
    Out of stock
    Centranthus ruber
    Centranthus ruber

    Estremamente facile da coltivare, apprezzata per la sua capacità di produrre in terreni poveri (adatto anche per muri a secco o declivi per combattere l’erosione) e senza irrigazione supplementare, mazzolini appariscenti cremisi di fiori profumati a stella.

    8,00 €
  • Erigeron karvinskianus Erigeron karvinskianus
    Out of stock
    Erigeron karvinskianus
    Erigeron karvinskianus

    Perenne bassa semi-sempreverde che forma cuscini di fiori a margheritine rosa e bianche insieme. Fiorisce molto a lungo da primavera al gelo. Adatta anche per zone aride, con estati calde. I semi di questa pianta si spargono ovunque, in fessure, angoli, crepe, dove germogliano e crescono. Attraente per le farfalle.

    8,00 €
  • Euphorbia marginata Euphorbia marginata
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    Euphorbia marginata
    Euphorbia marginata

    Annuale che si risemina tutti gli anni spontaneamente, senza sforzo, anche in zone con poca irrigazione, questa euforbia raggiunge le dimensioni di un arbusto. Ha foglie grigio-verdi lungo i rami e le foglie più piccole terminali sono bordate di bianco, che insieme con i fiori bianchi, creano un effetto di magnifico impatto.

    12,00 €
  • Verbena hastata Verbena hastata
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    Verbena hastata
    Verbena hastata

    It blooms for a long time (for three months in abundance), with spikes of lilac flowers that attract many butterflies. It has got an elegant and lithe appearance. Perennial lover of the sun. Spontaneously self-sowing very easily. Very hard frost resistant.

    8,00 €
  • Tulipa acuminata Tulipa acuminata
    Out of stock
    Tulipa acuminata
    Tulipa acuminata

    Rara specie botanica perfetta da naturalizzare, si allargherà di anno in anno formando macchie appariscenti. Lasciare che il vecchio fogliame secchi senza rimuoverlo, per permettere la fotosintesi e l'assorbimento delle sostanze nutritive. Bulbi di circa 8 cm, quando sboccia raggiunge i 20 cm di altezza. Vengono forniti in vaso.

    4,00 €
  • Tulipa saxatilis Tulipa saxatilis
    Out of stock
    Tulipa saxatilis
    Tulipa saxatilis

    Tulipani botanici profumati alti circa 30 cm, a forma di coppa, con pallidi fiori lilla (1-4 fiori per stelo) con centro interno giallo. Formano colonie nel tempo, naturalizzandosi.

    4,00 €
  • Tulipa turkestanica Tulipa turkestanica
    Out of stock
    Tulipa turkestanica
    Tulipa turkestanica

    Tulipano botanico selvatico, con fiori bianchi sfumati di grigio-verdastro-rosa all'esterno, e con centro oro all'interno e stami e antere appariscenti. Da lasciare indisturbato torna anno dopo anno sempre più fitto.

    4,00 €
  • Anemone blanda "Blue Shades" Anemone blanda "Blue Shades"
    Out of stock
    Anemone blanda 'Blue Shades'
    Anemone blanda 'Blue Shades'

    Early flowering, completely hardy anemones that naturalize easily. Primary Uses: Rock gardens, wooded borders, at the base of deciduous trees/shrubs.

    5,00 €
  • Fritillaria meleagris (mix coltivato) Fritillaria meleagris (mix coltivato)
    Out of stock
    Fritillaria meleagris (mix coltivato)
    Fritillaria meleagris

    Fiori a forma di campana accattivante immediatamente riconoscibili dalle loro distintive marcature "a pelle di serpente". Da naturalizzare in sottoboschi decidui, e alla base di alberi e arbusti. Questi affascinanti fiori selvatici sono protetti in natura e raramente si vedono nel loro habitat naturali.

    4,00 €
  • Iris reticulata (mix) Iris reticulata (mix)
    Out of stock
    Iris reticulata (mix)
    Iris reticulata (mix)

    Iris bulbosa a fioritura precocissima di fine inverno, in mix di sfumature viola-azzurro-blu. Da naturalizzare, forma colonie negli anni.

    6,00 €
  • Allium sphaerocephalon Allium sphaerocephalon
    Out of stock
    Allium sphaerocephalon
    Allium sphaerocephalon

    Il miglior allium da giardino da naturalizzare. Non regredisce, anzi si espande in modo esponenziale sempre di più di anno in anno. Abbondanti bei fiori durevoli color rosa-viola carico da fine primavera fino all'estate.

    6,00 €
  • Anemone trifolia Anemone trifolia
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    Anemone trifolia
    Anemone trifolia

    L'anemone trifogliato è un'erbacea perenne rizomatosa, con magnifici fiori bianchi fino a 3 cm di diametro, antere appariscenti, centro verde.

    8,00 €
  • Micromeria thymifolia Micromeria thymifolia
    Out of stock
    Micromeria thymifolia
    Micromeria thymifolia

    Perennial evergreen, dense, ground covering, of very easy cultivation, it needs little watering. It blooms for a long time in spring covering itself with lilac-pink flowers. Magnificent also in a pot, where it creates full, round and slightly hanging balls. Very fragrant leaves.

    6,00 €
  • Aptenia cordifolia Aptenia cordifolia
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    Aptenia cordifolia
    Aptenia cordifolia

    It is a magnificent evergreen succulent ground cover, resistant up to -10 ° C, re-flowering all year round in mild climates, or from spring to autumn in colder climates. Flowers like "daisies" with threadlike petals, intense fuchsia color. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.

    7,00 €
  • Aptenia cordifolia "Variegata" Aptenia cordifolia "Variegata"
    Out of stock
    Aptenia cordifolia "Variegata"
    Aptenia cordifolia Variegata"

    Evergreen succulent, with variegate leaves; It is a perennial ground cover, for xeriscaping, resistant up to -10 ° C. Flowers like "daisies" with threadlike petals, intense fuchsia color. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.

    8,00 €
  • Arisarum vulgare
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    Arisarum vulgare
    Arisarum vulgare

    It is one of the smaller members of the Arum family. It can form large colonies, carpeting the ground with its heart-shaped leaves. It flowers in winter and early spring, followed by the production of greenish berries in summer.

    10,00 €
  • Heuchera merriamii Heuchera merriamii
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    Heuchera merriamii
    Heuchera merriamii

    Dwarf heuchera, forms carpets of evergreen dense leaf colonies; very showy flowering of pinkish white flowers in spring.

    7,00 €
  • Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii
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    Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii
    Euphorbia characias

    It grows on erect, woody and green stems. up to 120 cm high and reaches a width of 90 cm. blue/ gray / green, narrow, linear leaves (up to 12 cm long) are spirally arranged along the stems. Each stem is topped in spring by a thick inflorescence of greenish-yellow flowers resembling a pipe cleaner, with showy, petal-shaped, greenish-yellow bracts. Easily...

    10,00 €
  • Lunaria annua Lunaria annua
    Out of stock
    Lunaria annua
    Lunaria annua

    Plant spring flowers that self-seed easily, creating large mound and becoming a fixture for shady gardens, even under trees with tall scaffolding. The pink four-petaled flowers are produced in abundance and follow very ornamental silvery seed capsules, called "papal coins".

    8,00 €

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