Pianta erbacea perenne, graminacea dal fogliame particolare per la variegatura molto accentuata; per lo più le foglie sono bianche. Magnifica come esemplare isolato, quindi da vaso, così come in massa.
Spring flowering Siberian iris, with thin ribbon-like leaves, loving soil that retains moisture. The name 'Flight of butterflies' perfectly describes the charm of this cultivar in full bloom; the light flowers have curved petals, and are gracefully variegated and veined.
Perennial fern, with silvery-gray foliage, useful for illuminating shady areas. Athyrium 'Ghost' is a deciduous hybrid fern (between Athyrium niponicum var. Pictum and Athyrium filix-femina) known for its upright silvery foliage. The silvery foliage is acquired from the Japanese fern and the upright tendency from the female fern. It features a tuft of...
Magnifica felce perenne semi-sempreverde a crescita rapida le cui foglie sembrano piume composte di pizzo finissimo. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Billbergia x windii is a very attractive historic cultivar with the large reddish-pink bracts of Billbergia decora and the cold tolerance of Billbergia nutans. The flowers have the same color and structure as Billbergia nutans although the bracts are redder - less pink - and shorter in length. The flowers usually hang down, so it is ideal in a hanging...
Specie di bergenia semisempreverde molto singolare e ricercata: le grandi foglie arrotondate (che ricordano appunto orecchie di elefante) sono coperte da entrambi i lati di morbida peluria. Spighe di fiori appaiono in primavera, color rosa pallido. Pianta da ombra a minima manutenzione.
'Cytherea' is an incredibly stunning perfumed peony with huge buds in a vibrant fuchsia colour. The flower has mutable tones: as it lightens, lighter and darker flowers remain on display on the same plant, with yellow stamens in the centre.
This selection of evergreen anemone-flowered hellebore cultivars is characterized by a rippled central collar of lime, white, or darker burgundy nectars. Sometimes even the thin margins of the flowers are burgundy. Elegant, simple shape, white in color with evident carpels and stamens.
Perenne con grandi fiori bianchi, fino a 10 cm di diametro, fioritura estiva prolungata e rifiorente. Fiori molto durevoli, magnifici da usare recisi, simili a grossi fiordalisi.
Hellebore more upright and with a bright ruby hue (similar to Helleborus 'Anna's Red'): the petals are veined tone on tone and the stamens and lines are more evident than in other varieties.
Known as Boston fern, sword fern or herringbone fern, extremely easy to care for, it does not perish in poor soils or for a long time in pots. Magnificent even in very deep shade.
Medium hosta with lanceolate leaves, bright green, edged with gold. Evergreen in mild climates or on the veranda. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Vigorous, compact deciduous ornamental grass, a magnificent stroke of light under trees or difficult areas, where other plants grows stunted. The spring leaves are tricolor: pink, white and green. Spiked flowers in summer.
Medium-sized hosta with lanceolate leaves, green with bluish-blue hues, distinctive lighter central line tinged with white. White flowers. Evergreen in mild climates or on the veranda. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Gorgeous cream and gold variegated foliage topped with graceful blue flower stems. In bloom for a long period of time from early summer, in wonderful contrast to the cream and gold variegated foliage. Dwarf, the foliage will reach about 20cm in height with the flowers on top (maximum 50cm). A simple, easy-care plant, it will happily grow in full sun to...
Perennial herbaceous plant, which flowers early and throughout spring, and produces numerous light blue bell-shaped flowers. It is one of the best and easiest shade plants, flowering profusely and forming large patches in the undergrowth.
Penstemon 'Catherine de la Mare' is a spreading, woody, semi-evergreen perennial, up to 50cm tall, with dull, bluish-green leaves and dense racemes of beautiful, electric blue tubular flowers that turn purplish as they age, 3cm long, borne on reddish stems in summer. Long spring flowering. An easy, hardy penstemon requiring moderate water and sun....
Dense evergreen ground cover with small green-bronze leaves, fast growing. Spectacular flowering in spring blue-blue color. Suitable both in the shade (where the leaves are more green-bronze and where little or nothing should be watering) and in the sun (where the leaves take on more reddish-bronze colors) where it should be watered a little more.
Ground cover of the Solanaceae family, with large, white flowers, incredibly fragrant beginning at night, produced in late spring and summer. It spreads rapidly under the soil with its own rhizomes, creating carpets of lush leaves, without being invasive. Evergreen if winter is not too harsh, otherwise deciduous.
Dwarf evergreen Cortaderia with variegated foliage of cream and contrasting green, with showy, cream-colored, feathery flowers. A striking potted specimen; also useful in mixed borders to add an unusual touch of light to flowerbeds.
Perennial and long-lived Aspidistra, low, small in size and very easy to grow. It spreads like a ground cover easily and quickly, as it takes root wherever the rhizome crawls and rests on the ground. Large and variegated leaf, striped and dotted. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Pianta perenne rizomatosa, con foglie grandi, a fioritura molto precoce (fiorisce sotto la neve), molto rustica e resistente. I fiori hanno la forma di margherite gialle.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a foglie sottili blu - glauche, dalla forma morbida ed elegante.
Ice blue-green leaves. Magnificent large flowers on very tall stems. Evergreen in mild climates or on the veranda. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Elegante iris barbata sfumato di burgundia, di media altezza; i petali leopardati fanno si che i suoi fiori sembrino orchidee.
Sedum tappezzante perenne a crescita veloce, dal bel fogliame verde lussureggiante, con margini dentellati, produce fiori rosa a forma di stella a mazzetti in estate.
Semprevivo con foglie color rosso che diventano, come descrive il nome della cultivar, di un acceso color rubino grazie al freddo invernale. Rosette molto piccole e fitte sempreverdi, fiori rosa in estate prodotti sulle rosette giunte a maturità.
Perennial plant with very long summer flowering. The deep ruby-red velvety flowers are variably fringed with ice-white as they open and wither. The delicate pinnate foliage also adds texture and an interesting contrast to the surrounding perennials.
Perenne erbacea con foglie a cuore semi-sempreverdi, bei fiori penduli appariscenti, di due colori bianco e magenta; durevoli, prodotti tutta la primavera.
Among the colored calla lilies, this hybrid resists up to -18° C; it has beautiful white flowers tinged with purple, with a dark purple throat and leaves dotted with white. Suitable for both pots and soil; however, offer well-drained soil. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped to vegetative rest...
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