Herbaceous perennials

There are 795 products.
Showing 301 - 330 of 795 items
  • Helleborus orientalis 'Apricot' Helleborus orientalis 'Apricot'
    Helleborus orientalis 'Magic Apricot'
    Helleborus orientalis

    Fine hybrid of evergreen hellebore with large and simple flowers, the petals are tinged with ivory yellow, skin, peach and apricot, tinged spotted in the center and on the edges with variably pink and purple, which becomes increasingly pale as it opens , and which darkens again from faded.

    15,00 €
  • Cortaderia selloana
    Cortaderia selloana
    Cortaderia selloana

    Cortaderia with white, showy, feathery flowers. It is one of the most rustic and large grasses, with a notable impact (2.5x2 m), evergreen. It also adapts well to large pots.

    25,00 €
  • Geum coccineum "Mai Tai" Geum coccineum "Mai Tai"
    Geum coccineum "Mai Tai"
    Geum coccineum Mai Tai"

    Geum coccineum with very double flowers, compact with extraordinary color. Apricot-yellow, tinged with orange, which tends to lighten in pale pink, with peach and salmon tones. Very floriferous and long-lived, this perennial cespitose, opens its flowers with wavy petals, for many months, from spring until mid-summer.

    7,00 €
  • Echeveria elegans "Lotus" Echeveria elegans "Lotus"
    Echeveria elegans "Lotus"
    Echeveria elegans

    Rare echeveria with curled foliage that reaches 20 cm in diameter. Pink-orange flowers in spring.

    15,00 €
  • Rabdosia shikokiana var. intermedia (sin. Isodon) Rabdosia shikokiana var. intermedia (sin. Isodon)
    Rabdosia shikokiana var. intermedia (sin. Isodon)
    Rabdosia shikokiana

    Dwarf rabdosia that forms mounds of thin leaves that in autumn are covered with spikes of blue-purple flowers. The foliage in the autumn cold turns yellow. Very easy to grow in undergrowth flower beds, it does not require special care or soil.

    10,00 €
  • Artemisia ludoviciana “Silver Queen” Artemisia ludoviciana “Silver Queen”
    Artemisia ludoviciana “Silver Queen”
    Artemisia ludoviciana

    Most compact mugwort of the species, with silvery leaves and golden flowers in summer. Immediately after flowering, it should be pruned low to keep it full and promote basal regrowth. Leaves and flower heads are used as flavoring, for herbal teas or to garnish sauces, gravies, etc. Evergreen in mild winters.

    12,00 €
  • Pteris cretica 'Albolineata' Pteris cretica 'Albolineata'
    Pteris cretica 'Albolineata'
    Pteris cretica 'Albolineata'

    Unusual fern with fine leaves, pinnate, with a white center. Outside it is adaptable in mild and coastal areas or islands. Love shade and humidity. In the house it adapts easily, it is very easy to grow.

    12,00 €
  • Achillea ptarmica 'Double Diamond' Achillea ptarmica 'Double Diamond'
    Achillea ptarmica 'Double Diamond'
    Achillea ptarmica

    Clouds of double white flowers float from late spring on the tall, strong stems of Achillea ptarmica 'Double Diamond'. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, tolerates drought and is also great for harvesting cut flowers for both fresh and dried compositions, being extremely durable. Re-blooms until late summer if you take care to cut the faded...

    10,00 €
  • Polemonium reptans Polemonium reptans
    Polemonium reptans
    Polemonium reptans

    Perennial herbaceous plant, which flowers early and throughout spring, and produces numerous light blue bell-shaped flowers. It is one of the best and easiest shade plants, flowering profusely and forming large patches in the undergrowth.

    8,00 €
  • Scilla peruviana Scilla peruviana
    Scilla peruviana
    Scilla peruviana

    Bulbosa con spighe fiorali fino a 45 cm, ciascun fiore ha un diametro di 2 cm, a fioritura tardo primaverile. Magnifico colore blu. In terreno ben drenato resiste fino a -12°C.

    8,00 €
  • Prunus mume 'Rosea Plena' Prunus mume 'Rosea Plena'
    Prunus mume 'Rosea Plena'
    Prunus mume 'Rosea Plena'

    Japanese apricot with abundant winter flowering, on the still bare branches, compact and gnarled growth, fragrant flowers and double corolla.

    20,00 €
  • Chasmanthium latifolium Chasmanthium latifolium
    Chasmanthium latifolium
    Chasmanthium latifolium

    Pianta erbacea perenne da ombra, forma un ciuffo medio-alto di foglie strette, simili a quelle di un bambù, verde brillante. Graminacea con appariscenti fiori piatti, che si muovono persino nella più delicata delle brezze.

    8,00 €
  • Hakonechloa macra Hakonechloa macra
    Hakonechloa macra
    Hakonechloa macra

    Pianta erbacea perenne da ombra che forma un ciuffo di tipica forma tondeggiante, con spighe leggermente rosate, piumose e pendule, piuttosto appariscenti. Con la brezza le sue foglie sembrano onde in movimento.

    10,00 €
  • Aster ageratoides 'Adustus Nanus' Aster ageratoides 'Adustus Nanus'
    Aster ageratoides 'Adustus Nanus'
    Aster ageratoides

    Questa cultivar di aster è una perenne suffruticosa dalla forma molto compatta, un fitto cuscino tappezzante, nano, con fiori a margherita color malva.

    7,00 €
  • Festuca glauca 'Golden Toupee' Festuca glauca 'Golden Toupee'
    Festuca glauca 'Golden Toupee'
    Festuca glauca 'Golden Toupee'

    Very light color, evergreen ornamental grass, with gold, and then glaucous blue foliage, grows in round tufts. Very ornamental and with zero maintenance, it loves intense sun and resists with little irrigation. It only needs the cleaning of the basal dry in spring.

    14,00 €
  • Hibiscus coccineus
    Hibiscus coccineus
    Hibiscus coccineus

    Pianta erbacea perenne di forma arbustiva, a fioritura estiva prolungata, con enormi fiori, adatta anche al vaso. Resistente al gelo intenso, ha però il fascino della pianta esotica.

    10,00 €
  • Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Sweet Kate'
    Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Sweet Kate'
    Tradescantia x andersoniana

    Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura primaverile-estiva prolungata e rifiorente, i fiori a tre petali sono molto vistosi color blu-violaceo, in contrasto con le foglie dorate.

    7,00 €
  • Hosta 'Fire and Ice'
    Hosta 'Fire and Ice'
    Hosta 'Fire and Ice'

    Foglie dai colori fortemente contrastati, in gran parte bianche, compatta.

    9,00 €
  • Iris pumila 'Cutie'
  • Helleborus 'Red Spotted' Helleborus 'Red Spotted'
    Helleborus 'Anemone Red'
    Helleborus 'Anemone Red'

    This hellebore cultivar blooms from February to April; the flower is very dark purple with striking golden carpels and stamens.

    12,00 €
  • Viola 'Heartthrob' Viola 'Heartthrob'
    Viola 'Heartthrob'
    Viola 'Heartthrob'

    Semi-evergreen violet, paneled with stolons and easily self sowing; dark purple leaf and deep purple flowers in spring.

    6,00 €
  • Aptenia cordifolia Aptenia cordifolia
    Aptenia cordifolia
    Aptenia cordifolia

    It is a magnificent evergreen succulent ground cover, resistant up to -10 ° C, re-flowering all year round in mild climates, or from spring to autumn in colder climates. Flowers like "daisies" with threadlike petals, intense fuchsia color.

    7,00 €
  • Dicliptera suberecta (sin. D. squarrosa, Jacobinia) Dicliptera suberecta (sin. D. squarrosa, Jacobinia)
    Dicliptera suberecta (sin. D. squarrosa, Jacobinia)
    Dicliptera suberecta

    Repeatedly blooms from late spring to fall, one of the most reblooming perennials. Despite its exotic appearance, it is a surprising perennial resistant to frost, and also to intense sun, and to hot areas. Magnificent silvery and soft leaves. Evergreen in zone 9-10. In zone 7-8 you can lose much of the aerial part. It spreads with short rhizomes creating...

    12,00 €
  • Viola sororia 'Rubra'
    Viola sororia 'Rubra'
    Viola sororia 'Rubra'

    Deciduous violet with large reniform deciduous leaves. The purple flowers are distinguished from those of the species. It is abundantly self-sowing.

    6,00 €
  • Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge' Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge'
    Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge'
    Tricyrtis formosana

    'Gilt Edge' is a particular cultivar of Tricyrtis formosana with variably variegated edges. This species is among the first tricyrtis to flower in early September and continue through the autumn months. The dotted and fleshy flowers are reminiscent of orchids. They are violet/purple with bluish shades (the color of the flower can vary according to:...

    7,00 €
  • Camellia sasanqua 'Showa No Sakae' Camellia sasanqua 'Showa No Sakae'
    Camellia sasanqua 'Showa No Sakae'
    Camellia sasanqua

    Camellia with very long flowering in autumn-winter, semi-double, double flowers, with golden stamens. A graceful evergreen shrub with a vigorous, arching habit. The flowers are soft, creamy pink with ruffled edges. Evergreen with shiny leaves, compact habit, reaches 250 x 180 cm in width.

    15,00 €
  • Iris 'Blazing Sunrise'
    Iris 'Blazing Sunrise'
    Iris 'Blazing Sunrise'

    Elegante iris barbata rifiorente, fiori bicolore profumati, bianco e rosa salmone.

    7,00 €
  • Iris 'Edith Wolford' Iris 'Edith Wolford'
    Iris 'Edith Wolford'
    Iris 'Edith Wolford'

    Elegante iris barbata bicolore, dai toni complementari giallo e viola, dai petali arruffati.

    7,00 €
  • Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander' Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander'
    Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander'
    Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander'

    Tappezzante rapida con bel fogliame tricolore, rosa, verde e bianco. I fiori gialli sono portati su spighe piramidali erette a fine estate. Sia all’ombra che al sole si sviluppa senza problemi, all’ombra però non svilupperà il rosa intenso delle foglie.

    6,00 €
  • Heuchera 'Marmalade'
    Heuchera 'Marmalade'
    Heuchera 'Marmalade'

    Heuchera longeva con foglie sempreverdi sfumate dall’arancio dal marrone passando per il rosso. Spighe di fiorellini bianchi in primavera.

    10,00 €

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