Flowering shrubs and ornamental trees

There are 263 products.
Showing 241 - 263 of 263 items
  • Davidia involucrata "Columnaris" Davidia involucrata "Columnaris"
    Out of stock
    Davidia involucrata "Columnaris"
    Davidia involucrata "Columnaris"

    This rare 'Columnaris' cultivar, is an interesting deciduous dwarf tree. Heart shaped leaves. Davidia involucrata 'Columnaris' bears white bracts from May. Loves nutrient-rich, clayey soil. It grows upright and columnar and does not exceed 3 m.

    50,00 €
  • Elaeagnus pungens 'Limelight' Elaeagnus pungens 'Limelight'
    Out of stock
    Elaeagnus pungens 'Limelight'
    Elaeagnus pungens

    Vigorous shrub, large in size, with elongated, golden, ovate leaves widely bordered with green-glaucous. Small, bell-shaped, incredibly fragrant, silvery autumn flowers, sometimes followed by orange berries.

    15,00 €
  • Fatsia japonica 'Spider's Web' (Aralia japonica) Fatsia japonica 'Spider's Web' (Aralia japonica)
    Out of stock
    Fatsia japonica 'Spider's Web' (Aralia japonica)
    Fatsia japonica

    Japanese Aralia with leaves sprinkled with white, particularly on the margins and new vegetation (new leaves are often almost completely white). Spiked flowers in late autumn. It resists freezing down to approx. -17 ° C.

    12,00 €
  • Corylus maxima "Purpurea" Corylus maxima "Purpurea"
    Out of stock
    Corylus maxima "Purpurea"
    Corylus maxima "Purpurea"

    One of the hardiest dark-leaved shrubs, with large, very showy rounded leaves and pink / purple catkins in winter. Corylus maxima 'Purpurea' (Purple-leaved filbert) will reach a height of 8m and a spread of 4m after 10-20 years. It can be contained without problems with regular pruning, which is why it also fits in large pots, as a focal point.  Edible...

    20,00 €
  • Buddleja "Flutterby Pink" Buddleja "Flutterby Pink"
    Out of stock
    Buddleja "Flutterby Pink"
    Buddleja "Flutterby Pink"

    Hybrid of sterile buddleja that does not produce seeds, so it is not invasive. Dwarf and compact cultivar that forms a "ball", producing pink flowers from early to late summer.

    18,00 €
  • Philadelphus coronarius Philadelphus coronarius
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    Philadelphus coronarius
    Philadelphus coronarius

    Shrub with incredibly abundant flowers, intense citrus scent. Polliniferous and nectariferous plant, it attracts pollinating insects useful for the garden; 'a must have' for any natural style garden. It can be pruned to contain it immediately after early spring flowering.

    15,00 €
  • Hydrangea paniculata 'Switch Ophelia' Hydrangea paniculata 'Switch Ophelia'
    Out of stock
    Hydrangea paniculata 'Switch Ophelia'
    Hydrangea paniculata

    Recently introduced hydrangea, with short branches, enhanced in raised pots, or useful as a ground cover. Magnificent flat white flowers, abundant like confetti: very generous flowering that covers the entire plant. The first shoots appear in late May, opening in early June. As they mature the flowers change color, increasing their charm: initially...

    25,00 €
  • Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’ Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’
    Out of stock
    Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’
    Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’

    Shrub Artemisia (more compact than the species, reaches 90 x 90 cm) with silvery leaves and minimal golden flowers in summer. Immediately after flowering, it should be pruned low to keep it full and promote basal regrowth. Evergreens in mild climates.

    14,00 €
  • Syringa vulgaris 'Madame Lemoine' Syringa vulgaris 'Madame Lemoine'
    Out of stock
    Syringa vulgaris 'Madame Lemoine'
    Syringa vulgaris

    A double-flowered, cultivar, it produces large conical panicles of extremely fragrant white flowers in May. It typically grows to 250-300cm in height and spreads to 150cm in width. In very hot places, lilac should be grown in a position where it receives no more than morning sun.

    18,00 €
  • Chaenomeles speciosa 'Umbilicata'  (cydonia) Chaenomeles speciosa 'Umbilicata'  (cydonia)
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    Chaenomeles speciosa 'Umbilicata' (cydonia)
    Chaenomeles speciosa

    At the end of winter (it is among the first shrubs to bloom), spectacular single coral pink flowers appear before the foliage, deep and bright, with 5 petals. They are followed by edible summer fruits (quinces) such as jellies. It has thorny branches and deciduous oval leaves, but the main characteristic is the abundant flowers. Known as "Japanese quince,...

    12,00 €
  • Buddleja dav. 'Free Petite Tutti Frutti' Buddleja dav. 'Free Petite Tutti Frutti'
    Out of stock
    Buddleja dav. 'Free Petite Tutti Frutti'
    Buddleja dav.

    Hybrid of sterile buddleja that does not produce seeds, so it is not invasive. Compact dwarf cultivar that forms a 'ball', producing purple / purple flowers from early to late summer. Beautiful for pots.

    18,00 €
  • Lavandula x christiana Lavandula x christiana
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    Lavandula x christiana
    Lavandula x christiana

    Lavender species with very showy flowers, which in greenhouses, in mild areas or islands, blooms all year round, resists only peaks of frost. Beautiful, aromatic foliage, soft green, silvery fern-shaped.

    12,00 €
  • Escallonia laevis 'Pink Elle' Escallonia laevis 'Pink Elle'
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    Escallonia laevis 'Pink Elle'
    Escallonia laevis 'Pink Elle'

    Dwarf shrub with very long summer flowering (all summer) and impact. Masses of large clusters of pink colored flowers form on erect stems, with evergreen, glossy foliage. Maximum width 80 cm, by 100 cm in height.

    15,00 €
  • Thunbergia battiscombei Thunbergia battiscombei
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    Thunbergia battiscombei
    Thunbergia battiscombei

    Thunbergia battiscombei, in bloom since spring, provides a lush burst of purple trumpet-like flowers with yellow throats, even late in the season, through to fall. The plants start straight from the ground unless they are kept at a temperature above 5 ° C. Even if it is native to subtropical Africa, it is reliable as it shoots from the roots even with...

    30,00 €
  • Magnolia laevifolia 'Gail's Favourite' Magnolia laevifolia 'Gail's Favourite'
    Out of stock
    Magnolia laevifolia 'Gail's Favourite'
    Magnolia laevifolia

    Extremely floriferous late spring evergreen magnolia. Fast growing, it can reach a maximum of 2.5 m in height. The shape is that of a well-branched shrub or small tree; evergreen, it resists intense frost down to -15° C. Glossy leaves and soft buds, the flowers have a magnificent scent.

    25,00 €
  • Abeliophyllum distichum (forsizia bianca) Abeliophyllum distichum (forsizia bianca)
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    Abeliophyllum distichum (forsizia bianca)
    Abeliophyllum distichum

    Romantico arbusto chiamato anche 'forsizia bianca' pur appartenendo a tutt'altra specie, segna la fine dell'inverno con l'eclatante fioritura a rami spogli (prima che spuntino le foglie), di miriadi di fiori bianchi profumati con stami gialli.

    18,00 €
  • Abeliophyllum distichum "Roseum" Abeliophyllum distichum "Roseum"
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    Abeliophyllum distichum "Roseum"
    Abeliophyllum distichum Roseum

    This romantic shrub marks the end of winter with the striking bare-branched bloom (before the leaves), of myriads of fragrant light pink flowers.

    15,00 €
  • Prunus 'Marie Mallet' Prunus 'Marie Mallet'
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    Prunus 'Marie Mallet'
    Prunus 'Marie Mallet'

    Japanese apricot with pink flowers, abundant late winter flowering on hanging and arched branches, still bare.

    20,00 €
  • Aucuba japonica 'Sulphurea Marginata' Aucuba japonica 'Sulphurea Marginata'
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    Aucuba japonica 'Sulphurea Marginata'
    Aucuba japonica

    Aucuba insolita con foglie marginate di oro-crema, come recita il nome. Magnifico arbusto sempreverde che ama l'ombra, foglie lucide e carnose. Alla fioritura primaverile seguono bacche dapprima verdi e poi rosse, a mazzetti (si tratta di una cultivar femminile).

    20,00 €
  • Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex' Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex'
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    Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex'
    Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex'

    Pianta dall'apparenza esotica, perde la parte aerea con temperature inferiori a -8° C, ma durante la stagione vegetativa raggiunge comunque i due metri di altezza. Le radici sono rustiche fino a -12°C, così che si comporterà da erbacea in caso di inverni gelidi. Magnifiche foglie palmate che possono raggiungere in climi miti foglie fino a 1 mt di diametro. 

    20,00 €
  • Aucuba japonica 'Picta'
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    Aucuba japonica 'Picta'
    Aucuba japonica

    Aucuba with spotted leaves. Magnificent evergreen shrub that loves shade, shiny and fleshy leaves. The spring flowering is followed by berries first green and then red, in bunches (it is a female cultivar).

    20,00 €
  • Aucuba japonica 'Salicifolia' Aucuba japonica 'Salicifolia'
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    Aucuba japonica 'Salicifolia'
    Aucuba japonica

    Evergreen shade shrub with surprising and unusual elongated leaves, berries in autumn and winter. Fantastic backdrop or elegant thick-leaved bush for shady gardens. Magnificent in a vase.

    20,00 €
  • Euphorbia rigida Euphorbia rigida
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    Euphorbia rigida
    Euphorbia rigida

    An architectural evergreen euphorbia, it forms erect tufts of silvery leaves that turn purple / pink in the winter cold. Golden / lime blossoms in spring. Easy to grow, resistant to drought. just offer well-drained soil. It looks like a small shrub and forms woody stems, although it is a herbaceous species.

    10,00 €

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