Flowering shrubs and ornamental trees

There are 263 products.
Showing 211 - 240 of 263 items
  • Fuchsia magellanica Fuchsia magellanica
    Out of stock
    Fuchsia magellanica 'Alba'
    Fuchsia magellanica 'Alba'

    Fucsia a fiore bianco, resistentissima al gelo, fiorisce ininterrottamente a abbondantemente tutta l’estate fino al gelo. Perde completamente la parte aerea in inverni rigidi, ricacciando e raggiungendo i 120 cm senza problemi.

    18,00 €
  • Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile (Fiori d'angelo) Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile (Fiori d'angelo)
    Out of stock
    Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' (Fiori d'angelo)
    Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile'

    Dwarf variety (h 2m x l 1.2) whose flower has a dark throat of a pale amaranth colour. Shrub with incredibly abundant flowers, also called 'Madonna jasmine' 'angel flowers' or 'orange blossom' due to its color and intense citrus scent. Polliniferous and nectariferous plant, it attracts pollinating insects useful for the garden; 'a must have' for any...

    20,00 €
  • Betula utilis var. jacquemontii 'Doorenbos' Betula utilis var. jacquemontii 'Doorenbos'
    Out of stock
    Betula utilis var. jacquemontii 'Doorenbos'
    Betula utilis

    Betula con corteccia bianca anche su esemplari giovani; da bianco panna diventa bianco puro. Betulla hymalaiana a crescita moderata (larghezza 4 mt altezza 7 mt) per cui può trovare spazio in giardini contenuti. Foglie più grandi della comune betulla bianca.

    70,00 €
  • Buddleja alternifolia Buddleja alternifolia
    Out of stock
    Buddleja alternifolia
    Buddleja alternifolia

    Buddleia con fiori color lavanda che formano fontane profumate. Può arrivare a maturità ai 5 metri, in 10-20 anni. Fiorisce sui rami dell'anno precedente per cui va potata immediatamente dopo la fioritura.

    25,00 €
  • Chimonanthus praecox 'Grandiflorus' (Calicanto d'Inverno-Calycanthus) Chimonanthus praecox 'Grandiflorus' (Calicanto d'Inverno-Calycanthus)
    Out of stock
    Chimonanthus praecox 'Grandiflorus' (Calicanto d'Inverno-Calycanthus)
    Chimonanthus praecox

    Arbusto a fioritura precocissima (fiorisce anche sotto la neve) di fine inverno soavemente profumato. Si può potare della forma desiderata appena dopo la fioritura (può raggiungere a maturità i 3,5 l x 4 metri.). I fiori di questa varietà sono grandi il doppio (diametro fino a 5 cm contro i 2,5 cm della specie), e sono più grandi (più lunghe e larghe)...

    15,00 €
  • Cornus mas 'Golden Glory' Cornus mas 'Golden Glory'
    Out of stock
    Cornus mas 'Golden Glory'
    Cornus mas 'Golden Glory'

    Varietà di cornus meno espansa della specie e più eretta, molto fiorifera. Mazzi di abbondanti fiori giallo oro sbocciano prima che spuntino le foglie nel tardo inverno, anche su piante giovani, seguiti da frutti rossi commestibili, lucidi, in autunno. 4 metri di altezza in 10-20 anni.

    20,00 €
  • Lonicera nitida Lonicera nitida
    Out of stock
    Lonicera nitida 'Briloni'
    Lonicera nitida 'Briloni'

    Arbusto dal portamento basso e espanso, con foglie piccole e sempreverdi, color lime-oro, si presta all'uso in vasi e aiuole per realizzare giochi di colore a contrasto. Da non mettere in ombra profonda, perderebbe il tono dorato delle foglie.

    12,00 €
  • Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire' Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire'
    Out of stock
    Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire'
    Perovskia atriplicifolia

    Arbusto erbaceo compatto adatto anche al vaso. Con base legnosa (riparte dal basso ogni anno raggiungendo i 150x150 cm circa) interessante per la lunga fioritura dalla primavera all’autunno a fiori azzurro-blu, e le foglie glauche aromatiche. Cultivar con fiori più grandi della specie, più scuri, e più blu.

    10,00 €
  • Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea' Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea'
    Out of stock
    Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea'
    Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea'

    Abundant flowering in spring, simple flowers, which appear intermittently until autumn. Suitable for creating hedges, it blooms on the branches of the previous year so it should be pruned if desired immediately after spring flowering. Shrub that can reach 2 meters in diameter.

    15,00 €
  • Kerria japonica 'Variegata' (sin. 'Picta') Kerria japonica 'Variegata' (sin. 'Picta')
    Out of stock
    Kerria japonica 'Variegata' (sin. 'Picta')
    Kerria japonica 'Variegata'

    Cultivar a foglia variegata di kerria che raggiunge circa 1x1 m. Fiori dorati in primavera. Decidua, ma con rami dal portamento insolito affascinante anche in inverno.

    18,00 €
  • Camellia sasanqua 'Jean May' Camellia sasanqua 'Jean May'
    Out of stock
    Camellia sasanqua 'Jean May'
    Camellia sasanqua 'Jean May'

    Camelia a lunga fioritura in autunno-inverno, vincitrice dell'“Award of Garden Merit” (AGM) da parte della Royal Horticultural Society. Fiori profumati, doppi, rosa più intenso verso il centro, con stami dorati. Sempreverde con foglie lucide, portamento compatto, raggiunge i 300 x 180 cm di ampiezza.

    14,00 €
  • Rhaphiolepis x indica 'Springtime' (sin. Eriobotrya japonica ) Rhaphiolepis x indica 'Springtime' (sin. Eriobotrya japonica )
    Out of stock
    Rhaphiolepis x indica 'Springtime' (sin. Eriobotrya japonica )
    Rhaphiolepis x indica

    It is a shrub with a celestial scent, compact (maximum height 180 cm), persistent, with oblong, alternate, leathery, olive-green leaves, the shoots are paler, 8 to 12 cm long. In spring, the young shoots are orange-brown, then dark green edged with red. The 2 cm diameter flowers form pink panicles in spring; blue-violet berries follow. Resistant up to...

    12,00 €
  • Picea abies (Abete rosso) Picea abies (Abete rosso)
    Out of stock
    Picea abies (Abete rosso)
    Picea abies (Abete rosso)

    L'abete rosso è un grande sempreverde che può raggiungere i 20 metri di altezza per 10 metri di larghezza. Si adatta anche a vivere in vaso per alcuni anni, nanizzandosi.

    12,00 €
  • Mahonia japonica 'Media Charity' Mahonia japonica 'Media Charity'
    Out of stock
    Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo'
    Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo'

    Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo' è una cultivar compatta, che forma un cuscino di foglie verdi lucide, che assumono un colore porpora in inverno. In primavera porta grappoli vistosi di fiori gialli, seguiti da bacche blu-viola.

    12,00 €
  • Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Ogon Nishiki' sin. rhyncospermum Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Ogon Nishiki' sin. rhyncospermum
    Out of stock
    Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Ogon Nishiki'
    Trachelospermum asiaticum

    Ground cover or hanging evergreen or fast-growing climber with marbled, creamy-white, red and golden-yellow foliage. In autumn-winter it is greener and bordeaux, in spring-summer the golden-yellow stands out. Suitable as ground cover in the ground or in pots to form attractive falls. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.

    12,00 €
  • Hydrangea macrophylla 'Setsuka-yae' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Setsuka-yae'
    Out of stock
    Hydrangea macrophylla 'Setsuka-yae'
    Hydrangea macrophylla

    Semi-double, pink to blue in rounded heads, depending on soil, compact variety grows about 3' tall.

    20,00 €
  • Indigofera kirilowii Indigofera kirilowii
    Out of stock
    Indigofera kirilowii
    Indigofera kirilowii

    Shrub with magnificent pink cluster flowers in May-July. It tolerates the sun, but prefers the morning sun or half shade, not too shade. Very easy to grow. Cut low every spring when the buds wake up.

    15,00 €
  • Choisya x ternata 'Apple Blossom' Choisya x ternata 'Apple Blossom'
    Out of stock
    Choisya x ternata 'Apple Blossom'
    Choisya x ternata

    Compact shrub perfect to grow also in pots, with pink starry spring flowers with a heavenly scent and unusual and aromatic leaves.

    18,00 €
  • Prunus serrulata “Amanogawa” Prunus serrulata “Amanogawa”
    Out of stock
    Prunus serrulata “Amanogawa”
    Prunus serrulata “Amanogawa”

    Prunus serrulata 'Amanogawa' is a slow-growing deciduous tree with a narrow unusual shape for those with limited space or as an element to catch the eye in the garden. It reaches a height of about 5 m. The young leaves are bronze colored, turn green and then yellow and orange in autumn. Double pink flowers in clusters on the upright branches in spring.

    15,00 €
  • Styrax japonicus 'Purple Dress' Styrax japonicus 'Purple Dress'
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    Styrax japonicus 'Purple Dress'
    Styrax japonicus 'Purple Dress'

    A charming little tree, with abundant small white flowers hanging in the spring. Over time it forms a beautiful horizontal branching architecture. The flowers are showy and magnificent seen from below.

    12,00 €
  • Spartium junceum (ginestra odorosa) Spartium junceum (ginestra odorosa)
    Out of stock
    Spartium junceum (ginestra odorosa)
    Spartium junceum

    Shrub or small tree with spring flowers typical of leguminous plants, intense golden yellow, fragrant, flexible branches similar to rush.

    15,00 €
  • Hamamelis x intermedia “Diane” Hamamelis x intermedia “Diane”
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    Hamamelis x intermedia “Diane”
    Hamamelis x intermedia “Diane”

    Winter flowering shrub with red ribbon flowers. Interesting coloring of the leaves in autumn, on red and orange tones.

    35,00 €
  • Illicium mexicanum x floridanum album 'Woodland Ruby' Illicium mexicanum x floridanum album 'Woodland Ruby'
    Out of stock
    Illicium mexicanum x floridanum album 'Woodland Ruby'
    Illicium x mexicanum

    Magnificent and rare evergreen, with flowers that look like ruby starfish, they last a long time and thrive throughout spring and most of the summer until early autumn. The morning sun is ideal as an exposure, too much sun burns the leaves, with too much shade it does not bloom well. It has a diameter and a height of about 250 cm. It can easily withstand...

    50,00 €
  • Osmanthus fragrans 'Aurantiacus' Osmanthus fragrans 'Aurantiacus'
    Out of stock
    Osmanthus fragrans 'Aurantiacus'
    Osmanthus fragrans

    Shrub with orange flowers, autumn flowering evergreen, very fragrant. It prefers the morning sun.

    18,00 €
  • Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Theta' Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Theta'
    Out of stock
    Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Theta'
    Trachelospermum asiaticum

    "False jasmine", evergreen with dark leathery leaves, thin and elongated, magnificent as a climber, ground cover or hanging, as a border in the ground and in pots. Unique flowering in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.

    12,00 €
  • Spiraea prunifolia 'Plena' Spiraea prunifolia 'Plena'
    Out of stock
    Spiraea prunifolia 'Plena'
    Spiraea prunifolia

     Deciduous garden shrub, spring flowering with arched branches which are covered with double white flowers, similar to little roses. Resistant to dryness once taken root, to be pruned immediately after flowering.

    20,00 €
  • Viburnum rhytidophyllum "Variegatum" Viburnum rhytidophyllum "Variegatum"
    Out of stock
    Viburnum rhytidophyllum "Variegatum"
    Viburnum rhytidophyllum

    Rare cultivar with variegated leaves, sprinkled with white and cream. White umbel flowers in spring, evergreen, followed by red berries in autumn-winter.

    18,00 €
  • Solanum pseudocapsicum Solanum pseudocapsicum
    Out of stock
    Solanum pseudocapsicum
    Solanum pseudocapsicum

    Inedible ornamental hot pepper. White star-shaped flowers appear in June or July. The red or orange berries appear at the end of flowering, around September of October, remaining on the plant in winter (it resists up to -9 ° C). Evergreen, the leaves can be damaged by frost, but in the spring it returns without problems. It spontaneously sows.

    6,00 €
  • Hydrangea "Runaway Bride" (sin."Snow White") Hydrangea "Runaway Bride" (sin."Snow White")
    Out of stock
    Hydrangea "Runaway Bride" (sin."Snow White")
    Hydrangea "Runaway Bride"

    Recently introduced hydrangea, with procumbent branches, enhanced in raised vases, useful as a ground cover. Magnificent flat white flowers, abundant as confetti.

    50,00 €
  • Euonymus japonicus "Bravo" Euonymus japonicus "Bravo"
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    Euonymus japonicus "Bravo"
    Euonymus japonicus

    Unusual, evergreen euonymus useful as a focal point of interest; the leaves are distinguished from other varieties by the very wide and showy white margin.

    15,00 €

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