List of products by manufacturer Un Quadrato di Giardino - Podenzano (PC)

Showing 91 - 120 of 1614 items
  • Convallaria majalis 'Prolificans' Convallaria majalis 'Prolificans'
    Convallaria majalis 'Prolificans'
    Convallaria majalis

    Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura primaverile, fiori adatti al taglio molto profumati, magnifiche foglie verde scuro. I fiori di questa varietà sono doppi, sembrano piccole roselline.

    6,00 €
  • Helleborus 'White Spotted' Helleborus 'White Spotted'
    Helleborus 'White Spotted'
    Helleborus 'White Spotted'

    Elleboro sempreverde con fiori bianchi, color bianco a puntini magenta, contrasto molto appariscente. Fiori per un lungo periodo (tre mesi) da febbraio ad aprile.

    12,00 €
  • Primula x pubescens Primula x pubescens
    Primula x pubescens
    Primula x pubescens

    Al contrario delle primule comuni che si trovano in vendita in primavera dai fioristi le Primule pubescens o auricula, sono piante perenni resistenti al gelo intenso, rifiorenti in modo abbondante fino a inizio estate, e sporadicamente fino all’autunno e amano il sole o la mezz’ombra (non sono piante da sottobosco). Profumano intensamente. Foglie...

    7,00 €
  • Iris pumila 'Snow Tree' Iris pumila 'Snow Tree'
    Iris pumila 'Snow Tree'
    Iris pumila

    White dwarf iris, with well-designed rust-colored veins. A small masterpiece of delicacy.

    7,00 €
  • Piante da siepe fiorite
    Online only -10%
    Colorful autumn plants
    Piante autunnali colorate

    With this combination you can create a flowery expanse with minimal maintenance or simply a corner with bright autumn colors. Two very rustic herbaceous plants in full color from the beginning of autumn. To be made in double row; aster in the foreground (lower) with amsonia behind, whose leaves turn golden in autumn. Very low maintenance, to be cut only...

    23,40 € 26,00 € -10%
  • Allium schoenoprasum Allium schoenoprasum
    Allium schoenoprasum
    Allium schoenoprasum

    Chives are a perennial with onion-scented leaves and abundant beautiful long-lasting pale purple umbrella-shaped flowers from late spring through summer. This variety was selected by our nursery, it has fatter leaves and larger flowers.

    6,00 €
  • Brunnera macrophylla 'Silver Heart' Brunnera macrophylla 'Silver Heart'
    Brunnera macrophylla 'Silver Heart'
    Brunnera macrophylla

    Brunnera cultivar with completely silver leaves, similar to 'Jack Frost', but with larger, rounded leaves and better resistant to heat and humidity. Small flowers similar to those of a forget-me-not, two-tone, pink and blue on the same plant. Evergreen in mild climates.

    12,00 €
  • Aster dumosus 'Jenny'
    Aster dumosus 'Jenny'
    Aster dumosus 'Jenny'

    Cultivar di aster perenne, erbacea di forma arbustiva ma assai compatta, con fiori a margherita di un fucsia molto vivo.

    6,00 €
  • Ophiopogon japonicus 'Variegatus' Ophiopogon japonicus 'Variegatus'
    Ophiopogon japonicus 'Variegatus'
    Ophiopogon japonicus

    Tappezzante lenta sempreverde a foglie variegate, da ombra, perenne. Ottimo sostituto del prato per piccole aree ombrose che necessitano di essere rese visivamente più chiare.

    5,00 €
  • Hemerocallis 'Palais d'Orient' Hemerocallis 'Palais d'Orient'
    Hemerocallis 'Palais d'Orient'
    Hemerocallis 'Palais d'Orient'

    Delicate peach orange color shaded with cream, with "round" flowers embellished with a small red eye and an orange heart. Diploid, flowers 8 cm in diameter, average height of about 50 cm.

    6,00 €
  • Echium candicans (sin. E. fastuosum) Echium candicans (sin. E. fastuosum)
    Echium candicans (sin. E. fastuosum)
    Echium candicans

    Pianta originaria di Madeira. Perenne sempreverde che può raggiungere un'altezza di 1,5 - 2 m di altezza, con lunghe (fino a 60 cm) spighe di piccoli fiori viola-blu che appaiono in primavera. Foglie verde-argento, lanceolate sempreverdi, lunghe circa 20 cm. Appariscente e perenne, in grado di sopportare fino a -5°C. Adatta in condizioni costiere e...

    10,00 €
  • Iris pumila 'Double Lament'
    Iris pumila 'Double Lament'
    Iris pumila 'Double Lament'

    Colori molto scuri, come velluto. Questo iris nano, viola-blu e porpora è appariscente anche a distanza.

    7,00 €
  • Hosta 'Autumn Frost' Hosta 'Autumn Frost'
    Hosta 'Autumn Frost'
    Hosta 'Autumn Frost'

    The bright, extra wide margins on these leaves really brighten up the shady parts of a landscape. One of the best garden hostas, it keeps its colors even in warm areas. The leaves emerge with frosty blue tones and a bright yellow margin that lightens to creamy white during summer. Medium sized hosta, produces light lavender flowers, gives a nice mid to...

    9,00 €
  • Oxalis regnellii 'Silverado' Oxalis regnellii 'Silverado'
    Oxalis regnellii 'Silverado'
    Oxalis regnellii 'Silverado'

    Perenne che si sviluppa tramite rizomi sotterranei, a rapida crescita, a fioritura lunghissima, con fiorellini a campanella e foglie triangolari sfumate di argento al centro.

    8,00 €
  • Gardenia jasminoides 'Pinwheel' Gardenia jasminoides 'Pinwheel'
    Gardenia jasminoides 'Pinwheel'
    Gardenia jasminoides

    Gardenia resistant to frost, down to -22 ° C. This dwarf evergreen shrub produces white flowers with an exotic appearance with a celestial scent like that of the species. The large flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm, have narrow and long petals, which resemble a mill. Glossy dark green foliage.

    15,00 €
  • Astilboides tabularis Astilboides tabularis
    Astilboides tabularis
    Astilboides tabularis

    Pianta erbacea cespitosa perenne, molto vigorosa, a fioritura estiva prolungata, con insolite magnifiche foglie grandi rotonde.

    10,00 €
  • Iris 'Arpege'
    Iris 'Arpege'
    Iris 'Arpege'

    Bell'iris barbata con centro bianco e lilla-blu intenso, che fiorisce tardivo.

    7,00 €
  • Paeonia lactiflora 'Jan van Leeuwen' Paeonia lactiflora 'Jan van Leeuwen'
    Paeonia lactiflora 'Jan van Leeuwen'
    Paeonia lactiflora

    Fiori ad anemone, profumati, dai grandi e delicati petali bianchi che custodiscono una profusione di alti e stretti petaloidi color giallo pallido.

    15,00 €
  • Sedum selskianum Sedum selskianum
    Sedum selskianum
    Sedum selskianum

    One of the most showy dwarf sedums. This evergreen perennial succulent has flat green leaves with jagged edges that form rosettes. Yellow flowers on the tops in summer; the buds are tinged with orange at the moment of flowering, while with the cold the leaves take on reddish tones.

    8,00 €
  • Brunnera macrophylla 'Alexander's Great'
    Brunnera macrophylla 'Alexander's Great'
    Brunnera macrophylla

    Giant leaf brunnera. Magnificent silver heart-shaped leaves, flowers similar to forget-me-nots before the leaves in spring upon awakening. Evergreen in mild climates.

    9,00 €
  • Pachyphragma macrophyllum Pachyphragma macrophyllum
    Pachyphragma macrophyllum
    Pachyphragma macrophyllum

    Magnificent ground cover for shade and undergrowth, glossy, large, heart-shaped leaves. White flowers with 4 petals in showy spikes early in late winter-early spring, when the trees are still bare. It expands rapidly but is not invasive as each plant grows distinct from the others. Suitable for deciduous trees for better flowering. Likes the sun in...

    7,00 €
  • Fiori da ombra luminosa Fiori da ombra luminosa
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    Fiori da ombra luminosa
    Fiori da ombra luminosa

    Many flowering perennials grow in the shade; this combination is suitable in regularly watered flowerbeds, such as hydrangea beds. When not in flower, even the leaves, regular and heart-shaped together with serrated and pointed, contrast nicely.

    32,40 € 36,00 € -10%
  • Delphinium elatum 'Magic Fountains Dark Blue' Delphinium elatum 'Magic Fountains Dark Blue'
    Delphinium elatum 'Magic Fountains Dark Blue'
    Delphinium elatum

    Perennial herbaceous plant, with prolonged summer flowering and re-flowering, with beautiful double flowers, very full, dark blue, also suitable for pots. Of great impact even from a distance.

    6,00 €
  • Chaenomeles speciosa “Falconnet Charlet” (cydonia) Chaenomeles speciosa “Falconnet Charlet” (cydonia)
    Chaenomeles speciosa 'Falconnet Charlet' (cydonia)
    Chaenomeles x superba

    Shrub with an unusual double early spring flower, with showy abundant flowering, which appears before the foliage, known as "Japanese quince, flowering quince" or "peach blossom". Cultivar with laden peach flowers.

    12,00 €
  • Iris orientalis (I. ochroleuca) Iris orientalis (I. ochroleuca)
    Iris orientalis (I. ochroleuca)
    Iris orientalis (I. ochroleuca)

    Late spring flowering iris very resistant to drought. It grows very tall up to 150 cm (from the bottom in mixed flower beds), with very thin sword-shaped leaves; flowers 4-6 cm in diameter, white sprinkled with yellow in the centre.

    7,00 €
  • Allium christophii Allium christophii
    Allium christophii
    Allium christophii

    Allium gigante da giardino da naturalizzare. Bei fiori durevoli color rosa/lilla in primavera. Arrivano a ben 25 cm di diametro.

    7,00 €
  • Wild light blue spring flowers Wild light blue spring flowers
    Wild light blue spring flowers
    Fiori spontanei

    Quamash and daffodils to be naturalized. One of the most incredible spontaneous blue flowers with a great visual impact and zero care, combined with dwarf daffodils to be left undisturbed in lawns or flower beds. These are bulbs that flower at the same time and grow well in pots, do not suffer from any disease or problem and will become more numerous from...

    54,00 € 60,00 € -10%
  • Blue September flowers and golden grass
    Blue aster and gold ornamental grass
    Fiori settembrini azzurri

    The golden cream color of this calamagrostis goes perfectly with one of the most generous and showy aster cultivars with a blue-violet tone.

    28,80 € 32,00 € -10%
  • Geranium 'Orkney Cherry' Geranium 'Orkney Cherry'
    Geranium 'Orkney Cherry'
    Geranium 'Orkney Cherry'

    Frost hardy geranium, perennial, magnificent purple leaves form large cushions of fuscia pink flowers with clear throats, from May to frost. It is among the few herbaceous long-lived perennials so incredible remontant.

    13,00 €
  • Persicaria amplexicaulis 'JS Delgado Macho' Persicaria amplexicaulis 'JS Delgado Macho'
    Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Firetail'
    Persicaria amplexicaulis

    Perennial herbaceous plant, with prolonged summer-autumn flowering. This variety is tall and visually striking, with long flower spikes.

    8,00 €