List of products by manufacturer Un Quadrato di Giardino - Podenzano (PC)

Showing 61 - 90 of 1614 items
  • Hemerocallis  'All American Baby' Hemerocallis  'All American Baby'
    Hemerocallis 'All American Baby'

    Hemerocallis nano, fiori fino a 7 cm, alti 40 cm, increspati, colore crema/bianco, centro marginato di fucsia, e lilla-argento, centro giallo, gola verde. I fiori leggermente profumati appaiono da inizio a metà estate. Deciduo. Diploide..

    6,00 €
  • Hosta 'Empress Wu" Hosta 'Empress Wu"
    Hosta 'Empress Wu' (giant)
    Hosta 'Empress Wu'

    Very large cultivar with huge leaves. Flowers also consequently very large. Among the most resistant to snails.

    15,00 €
  • Tradescantia x andersoniana Tradescantia x andersoniana
    Tradescantia x andersoniana
    Tradescantia x andersoniana

    Perennial plant, with a prolonged and re-flowering spring-summer flowering, the three-petalled flowers are very showy blue-purple. It benefits from a ground-level cut of the heads with the summer heat. It is re-seeded and naturalizes easily in shady places.

    6,00 €
  • Colorful summer plants
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    Out of stock
    Colorful summer plants
    Piante estive colorate

    Mix of perennial ornamental grasses suitable for intense sun, opaque, with a bright purple color in the centre. Elegant and easy to maintain.

    101,15 € 119,00 € -15%
  • Trifolium repens 'Pentaphyllum' Trifolium repens 'Pentaphyllum'
    Trifolium repens 'Pentaphyllum'
    Trifolium repens 'Pentaphyllum'

    Magnificent trefoil which often has 4 lobes, therefore four-leaf clover; there are also leaves with 5 lobes, hence the name of the cultivar. The purple color is particularly dark and access to the sun, and in spring; very easy to hold, stays dwarf and expands quickly.

    12,00 €
  • Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf' Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf'
    Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Leaf'
    Cyclamen hederifolium

    Cyclamen of the woods perennial to be naturalized, resistant to intense frost; it is in fact a species that exists spontaneously, but with rare silvery leaves. The flowers are mixed white, pink and dark pink, you can't choose the color because we breed them in mix, so the color of the potted flower will be random.

    6,00 €
  • Hemerocallis 'Finders Keepers'
    Hemerocallis 'Finders Keepers'
    Hemerocallis 'Finders Keepers'

    Alto 65 cm, con fiori da fine primavera a inizio estate molto grandi di 18 cm. Color crema soffuso di rosa con evidente bordo giallo increspato, centro verde, venato di bianco. Semi-sempreverde.

    6,00 €
  • Lychnis flos-cuculi Lychnis flos-cuculi
    Lychnis flos-cuculi
    Lychnis flos-cuculi

    This perennial herb is one of the easiest to grow and long flowering. It naturalizes by re-sowing itself, does not require particular care, forms rich tufts of basal leaves, with thin stems about 60 cm high, which carry, on dark-purple calyxes, masses of pink starry flowers. The flowers look like lace, the ensemble is unusual and very showy. In bloom from...

    7,00 €
  • Pergola plant Pergola plant
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    Pergola plant
    Pianta da pergolati

    This vigorous climber, grows rapidly despite being deciduous with the advantage that it won\'t block the sun in winter. It also blooms incredibly long from spring to the arrival of frost. The flowers are very fragrant. One plant for each post will be more than enough. This pack covers four posts or columns.

    90,00 € 100,00 € -10%
  • Salvia x jamensis 'Irene'
    Salvia x jamensis 'Irene'
    Salvia x jamensis 'Irene'

    Colore al neon per i fiori di questa salvia resistente al gelo. Fogliame odoroso di menta e limone, e fioritura color rosso corallo da primavera ad autunno.

    10,00 €
  • Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso' Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso'
    Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso'
    Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso'

    Double-flowered hemerocallis with large flowers (average diameter 10 cm), high up to 90 cm, deciduous, diploid, orange shaded burgundy.

    6,00 €
  • Aster dumosus 'Brigitte' Aster dumosus 'Brigitte'
    Aster dumosus 'Brigitte'
    Aster dumosus 'Brigitte'

    Cultivar di aster, perenne erbacea di forma arbustiva con fiori semi doppi a margherita color lavanda pallido e centro giallo contornato da alcuni petali che crescono in direzione diversa dagli altri e che creano un effetto cromatico davvero molto interessante. La fioritura è fortemente attrattiva per le farfalle.

    8,00 €
  • Hemerocallis 'Black Stockings'
    Hemerocallis 'Black Stockings'
    Hemerocallis 'Black Stockings'

    Hemerocallis semi-sempreverde, con grandi fiori viola-nero di 15 cm di diametro, con gola verde e bordi arruffati, alti 60 cm. I fiori sbocciano a metà stagione (fine maggio-giugno), con qualche fiore intermittente in seguito in estate.

    6,00 €
  • Vinca major Vinca major
    Vinca major
    Vinca major

    Pianta sempreverde perenne utilizzata come tappezzante coprente molto rapida o ricadente: le chiome ricadono per un paio di metri se non trovano terreno sui cui radicare. Foglie lucide verdi, fiori azzurro-viola (color pervinca) in primavera.

    7,00 €
  • Aster ericoides 'Erlkônig'
    Aster ericoides 'Erlkônig'
    Aster ericoides 'Erlkônig'

    Questo aster perenne è un'erbacea di forma arbustiva, vigoroso e dal bel fogliame fine come erica. Ha piccolissimi fiori a margherita malva tenue, l'effetto è quello del 'velo da sposa'.

    6,00 €
  • Hemerocallis 'Ed Murray' Hemerocallis 'Ed Murray'
    Hemerocallis 'Ed Murray'
    Hemerocallis 'Ed Murray'

    Wavy burgundy-black petals with a small kiwi green throat that makes this well-branched beauty shine. Popular for its velvety depth of color. Color is difficult to photograph accurately. Diploid, 75 cm high, the flower has a diameter of 12 cm.

    6,00 €
  • Salvia greggii 'Ice Cold'
    Salvia greggii 'Ice Cold'
    Salvia greggii 'Ice Cold'

    Eleganti fiori bianchi prodotti in abbondanza e continuamente da primavera ad autunno, foglie dal profumo pungente con toni di menta e limone.

    10,00 €
  • Stachys byzantina
    Stachys byzantina
    Stachys byzantina

    Pianta perenne sempreverde con bei fiori rosa-lilla raccolti in spighe in fine primavera inizio estate. Foglie sempreverdi color argento lanuginose, si allarga velocemente.

    7,00 €
  • Aster novi-belgii 'Patricia Ballard'
    Aster novi-belgii 'Patricia Ballard'
    Aster novi-belgii

    Aster, perenne erbacea di forma arbustiva con fiori grandi a margherita color viola-porpora con toni grigio-perla. La fioritura è fortemente attrattiva per le farfalle.

    7,00 €
  • Erodium pelargoniflorum Erodium pelargoniflorum
    Erodium pelargoniflorum
    Erodium pelargoniflorum

    Pianta insolita che sembra un pelargone odoroso (pelargonium o geranio odoroso), con foglie morbide sempreverdi e fioritura strepitosa a mazzi, da primavera ad autunno. Adatta al sole e a terreni molto ben drenati. Rimuovere sempre i fiori sfioriti.

    12,00 €
  • Erodium absinthoides "Amanum" Erodium absinthoides "Amanum"
    Erodium absinthoides "Amanum"
    Erodium absinthoides

    Unusual plant that looks like a fragrant pelargonium (pelargonium or fragrant geranium), with soft evergreen leaves that look like ferns and very prolonged and showy flowering in bunches, from spring to autumn. Suitable for the sun and very well drained soils. The pale pink flowers fade to white, the petals have a papery consistency and pearly shades....

    12,00 €
  • Veronicastrum virginicum 'Fascination' Veronicastrum virginicum 'Fascination'
    Veronicastrum virginicum 'Fascination'
    Veronicastrum virginicum

    Statuesque beauty that grows in height, but its column bearing allows for placement in the back of mixed edges. The slender spikes of lilac flowers in mid-summer do not need support when grown in full sun. Veronicastrum virginicum is a plant native to North America that was typically found in wet but well-drained thickets and meadows. Flower spikes bloom...

    10,00 €
  • Vinca minor "Multiplex" Vinca minor "Multiplex"
    Vinca minor "Multiplex"
    Vinca minor

    This is a rare variety with single and double flowers togheter. It is a ground cover perennial that grows very quickly, densely covering large areas of land. Blue-violet flowers (periwinkle) in spring.

    6,00 €
  • Gaura lindheimeri 'Summer Breeze' Gaura lindheimeri 'Summer Breeze'
    Gaura lindheimeri 'Summer Breeze'
    Gaura lindheimeri

    The largest and tallest cultivar on the market and early flowering, with white flowers, long-bearing from spring through the summer. Resistant to intense frost. The flowers develop in elongated spikes, with pinkish buds and pure white flowers. For cultivation, good drainage is the key to success, the only thing that can kill them is soggy winter soil....

    10,00 €
  • Perennial plants for evergreen borders
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    Perennial plants for evergreen borders
    Piante perenni sempreverdi

    Delightful outdoor mix of short evergreens also suitable under climbing roses. Ilex crenata are not attacked by the borer and like hellebores, with perennial winter flowers, are also suitable for pots and balconies. One of the longest flowering perennials, up to 4 months. Suitable for shady spaces or under deciduous trees.

    59,40 € 66,00 € -10%
  • Veronica spicata
    Veronica spicata
    Veronica spicata

    Perenne che porta fiori a spighe vistose di fiori azzurro-blu dalla primavera all’autunno. Per prolungare la fioritura è bene togliere periodicamente i fiori sfioriti e lasciare solo gli ultimi capolini della stagione se desideriamo che si semini spontaneamente.

    8,00 €
  • Hemerocallis 'Lady Betty Fretz'
    Hemerocallis 'Lady Betty Fretz'
    Hemerocallis 'Lady Betty Fretz'

    Grandi fiori profumati in estate fino a 15 cm di diametro, alti 65 cm, semi-sempreverde. Il fiore è giallo avorio con centro più evidente verde-lime contornato di magenta e bordi increspati sempre color magenta, venato di bianco.

    6,00 €
  • Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo biloba
    Ginkgo biloba
    Ginkgo biloba

    Gingko grows moderately: it can grow between 40 and 70 cm per year, reaching 3 / 3.5 meters in 10 years, but it is able to reach heights between 15 and 25 meters. Under ideal conditions, the gingko can become even higher (ancient existing specimens reach 50 meters). In autumn the foliage turns golden. It does not require special care.

    13,00 €
  • Arum italicum Arum italicum
    Arum italicum
    Arum italicum

    Con foglie architettoniche sempreverdi, venate di bianco, è una perenne punto focale in giardino per l’inverno. Ai fiori primaverili seguono bacche arancioni a spighe molto ornamentali.

    6,00 €
  • Convallaria majalis 'Prolificans' Convallaria majalis 'Prolificans'
    Convallaria majalis 'Prolificans'
    Convallaria majalis

    Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura primaverile, fiori adatti al taglio molto profumati, magnifiche foglie verde scuro. I fiori di questa varietà sono doppi, sembrano piccole roselline.

    6,00 €