List of products by manufacturer Un Quadrato di Giardino - Podenzano (PC)

Showing 931 - 960 of 1614 items
  • Rosa 'Therese Bugnet ' Rosa 'Therese Bugnet '
    Rosa 'Therese Bugnet '
    Rosa 'Therese Bugnet '

    This magnificent wrinkled rose with curled petals has very dense and healthy foliage. Very fragrant, it tastes of spices and cloves.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert' Rosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert'
    Rosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert'
    Rosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert'

    Rugosa rose with an incredible fragrance, shade tolerant. Rugosa roses are very hardy and healthy.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Desdemona' Rosa 'Desdemona'
    Rosa 'Desdemona'
    Rosa 'Desdemona'

    Fascinating English rose shrub with a magnificent scent of anise, fruit (apricot, peach, raspberry), damask and honey. Full and rich flowers, can be successfully grown in pots.

    30,00 €
  • Vaso quadrato 12 cm in plastica da semina-talea-vivaio-esterno Vaso quadrato 12 cm in plastica da semina-talea-vivaio-esterno
    Vaso quadrato 12 cm in plastica da semina-talea-vivaio-esterno

    Vaso made in Italy in plastica nero, utile per esperimenti di semina, talea, riproduzione. Resistente alle intemperie all'esterno, così come utilizzabile all'interno. Lato 12 cm altezza 14 cm, volume in litri 1,5. Fori di drenaggio per evitare ristagni e marciumi.

    0,70 €
  • Coreopsis lanceolata 'Walter'
    Coreopsis lanceolata 'Walter'
    Coreopsis lanceolata 'Walter'

    Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva prolungata e rifiorente, con fiori gialli, adatta anche al vaso.

    7,00 €
  • Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Haze' Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Haze'
    Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Haze'
    Perovskia atriplicifolia

    Arbusto erbaceo compatto adatto anche al vaso. Con base legnosa (riparte dal basso ogni anno raggiungendo i 50 h x 60 l cm circa) interessante per la lunga fioritura dalla primavera all’autunno a fiori azzurro-blu, e le foglie glauche aromatiche.

    10,00 €
  • Hosta 'Fire and Ice'
    Hosta 'Fire and Ice'
    Hosta 'Fire and Ice'

    Foglie dai colori fortemente contrastati, in gran parte bianche, compatta.

    9,00 €
  • Helleborus 'Peach' Helleborus 'Peach'
    Helleborus 'Peach'
    Helleborus 'Peach'

    Evergreen hellebore with single anemone-shaped flowers, the color is peach with variable ocher/orange shades. Very long flowering from mid-winter to mid-spring.

    15,00 €
  • Phormium cookianum subsp. hookeri 'Cream Delight' Phormium cookianum subsp. hookeri 'Cream Delight'
    Phormium cookianum subsp. hookeri 'Cream Delight'
    Phormium cookianum

    Phormium dalla bella variegatura evidente color crema, con foglie nastriformi moto larghe (fino a 6 cm) e incurvate. Sempreverde, altezza 90 cm, larghezza 180 cm circa.

    18,00 €
  • Viburnum tinus 'Lisarose' Viburnum tinus 'Lisarose'
    Viburnum tinus 'Lisarose'
    Viburnum tinus 'Lisarose'

    A selected form of Viburnum tinus, with very attractive carmine buds which are followed by pink tinged white flowers in the winter from October onward.

    25,00 €
  • Equisetum hyemale Equisetum hyemale
    Equisetum hyemale
    Equisetum hyemale

    Risalente a 350 milioni di anni fa, il genere Equisetum è tra i più antichi. Sotto forma di tè usato fresco o di tonico in gradazione alcolica per la lunga conservazione, ha la capacità di detossificare i metalli pesanti dal corpo, utile come antidolorifico e per fortificare le ossa. Sempreverde ed elegante grazie alla forma verticale, meglio crescerlo in...

    10,00 €
  • Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carrière' Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carrière'
    Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carrière'
    Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carrière'

    Rosa Noisette, con fiori in abbondanza, profumatissimi, stradoppi, globosi, color crema, sfumati di rosa chiaro, e slamone. Fino a 30 petali. diametro medio di 10 cm. Fioritura perpetua durante tutta la stagione. Fogliame verde scuro. Grande rampicante, molto vigoroso che arriva fino a 7 metri. Resistente alla siccità, ombra tollerante. 

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Night Owl' Rosa 'Night Owl'
    Rosa 'Night Owl'
    Rosa 'Night Owl'

    Intense wine red flowers, velvety. It is a very disease resistant climbing rose. Bright yellow stamens, spicy scent.

    30,00 €
  • Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'
    Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'
    Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'

    Spettacolare colore autunnale, le branche presentano tipiche creste di sughero ("ali"). Piccoli fiori verdi-giallastri compaiono a maggio, non sono appariscenti. I piccoli frutti maturano in autunno. Di dimensioni contenute rispetto alla specie, si può mantenere compatto con potatura regolare.

    18,00 €
  • Schefflera arboricola 'Variegata' Schefflera arboricola 'Variegata'
    Schefflera arboricola 'Variegata'
    Schefflera arboricola

    Grande arbusto sempreverde originario delle foreste subtropicali di Taiwan. Le foglie verdi lucenti, simili a mani, variegate di crema in modo appariscente, Nei climi tropicali e subtropicali produce grappoli di fiori allungati che maturano a grappoli cascanti di vistose bacche da arancio rossiccio a nere. Le foglie variegate possono bruciare con sole...

    12,00 €
  • Stapelia grandiflora
    Stapelia gariepensis
    Stapelia gariepensis

    Succulenta senza spine con fiori visibilmente pelosi a 5 punte (tra i nomi comuni di questa pianta, ‘cactus stella marina’), di facile coltivazione e dall’abbondante fioritura.

    10,00 €
  • Rosa 'Golden Celebration’ Rosa 'Golden Celebration’
    Rosa 'Golden Celebration’
    Rosa 'Golden Celebration’

    Very fragrant English rose, bright yellow color. The flowers are cup-shaped, magnificent even when cut; it grows well branched and with branches with softly arching tops.

    25,00 €
  • Styrax japonicus 'Purple Dress' Styrax japonicus 'Purple Dress'
    Styrax japonicus 'Purple Dress'
    Styrax japonicus 'Purple Dress'

    A charming little tree, with abundant small white flowers hanging in the spring. Over time it forms a beautiful horizontal branching architecture. The flowers are showy and magnificent seen from below.

    12,00 €
  • Rosa 'Maja Babylon Eyes' Rosa 'Maja Babylon Eyes'
    Rosa 'Maja Babylon Eyes'
    Rosa 'Lady of Shallot'

    English shrub rose by David Austin, with a strong fragrance, with tones of apple, clove and tea. The flower has a magnificent gradient color and the shrub has a harmonious shape, enhanced in large pots and mixed borders.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Crazy Fashion'
    Rosa 'Crazy Fashion'
    Rosa 'Crazy Fashion'

    Hybrid tea rose with large, very re-flowering and fragrant flowers, with variegated flowers. It blooms continuously, shiny and dark leaves.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Moonstone' Rosa 'Moonstone'
    Rosa 'Moonstone'
    Rosa 'Moonstone'

    Among the best roses with magnificent large cut flowers, multi-awarded, perfumed and repeat-flowering; has beautiful buds, very resistant to diseases.

    25,00 €
  • Magnolia 'Fairy Blush' Magnolia 'Fairy Blush'
    Magnolia 'Fairy Blush'
    Magnolia 'Fairy Blush'

    Dwarf magnolia (no more than 250 cm in height, hybrid of Michelia, M. oltsopa x M. figo, Magnoliaceae) and naturally bushy habit. Ideal in informal and potted hedges. Semi-evergreen, it sheds its leaves in particularly harsh winters. Fragrant flowers, in spring and intermittently until autumn.

    25,00 €
  • Syringa vulgaris 'Madame Lemoine' Syringa vulgaris 'Madame Lemoine'
    Syringa vulgaris 'Madame Lemoine'
    Syringa vulgaris

    A double-flowered, cultivar, it produces large conical panicles of extremely fragrant white flowers in May. It typically grows to 250-300cm in height and spreads to 150cm in width. In very hot places, lilac should be grown in a position where it receives no more than morning sun.

    18,00 €
  • Hemerocallis 'Lake Norman Spider' Hemerocallis 'Lake Norman Spider'
    Hemerocallis 'Lake Norman Spider'

    Flowers with unusual spider, that is with narrow ribbon-like petals, and curled at the ends, purple pink, tinged with green-yellow cream in the center. Flower diameter: about 20cm, height: 70cm. Diploid and scented.

    6,00 €
  • Rosa ‘Anna Fendi' Rosa ‘Anna Fendi'
    Rosa ‘Anna Fendi'
    Rosa ‘Anna Fendi'

    Rose dedicated to the famous Italian designer, very healthy and remontant, Hybrid of tea with a delicate scent, peach in color, darker towards the inside of the flower. The flowers are large, double and cup-shaped.

    30,00 €
  • Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinkachu' Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinkachu'
    Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinkachu'
    Hydrangea paniculata

    Paniculated hydrangea with growth that remains low and compact. with bright white flowers that are then tinged with shades of pink, and deep pink, the greater the exposure to the sun.

    18,00 €
  • Akebia quinata 'Silver Bells' Akebia quinata 'Silver Bells'
    Akebia quinata 'Silver Bells'
    Akebia quinata

    Fast growing deciduous climber, covering, with unusual bunched flowers, intensely scented with chocolate. The flower of this unusual cultivar is white with pinkish hues and a purple center, beautiful bright green leaves composed of five obovate leaflets.

    18,00 €
  • Perennial remontant ground cover Perennial remontant ground cover
    Online only -15%
    Perennial remontant ground cover
    Tappezzanti perenni rifiorenti

    Pack of Isotoma fluviatilis with which to cover an area of land of 5 square meters. This perennial plant that loves the sun or bright shade and regular watering (the more it is in the sun, the more regularly it needs to be watered) grows rapidly, flowering from spring to autumn and remaining dense and dwarf. Particularly suitable in the middle of joints...

    102,00 € 120,00 € -15%
  • Begonia listada Begonia listada
    Begonia listada
    Begonia listada

    Perennial shrub begonia, with leaves velvety to the touch.

    15,00 €
  • Begonia 'Marmaduke' Begonia 'Marmaduke'
    Begonia 'Marmaduke'
    Begonia 'Marmaduke'

    Rhizomatous perennial begonia, very vigorous, large embossed leaves, dotted with red-burgundy.

    15,00 €