Begonia perenne rizomatosa, molto vigorosa, dal bel fogliame venato e cigliato.
Begonia ricadente, dai magnifici fiori a grandi grappoli.
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, inconfondibili foglie marcate al centro e con bollicine in rilievo.
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, il cui fogliame è tigrato.
Chaiamta dagli inglesi Begonia "beefsteak" ovvero begonia "bistecca di manzo", per le foglie grandi carnose, bordeaux sulla pagina inferiore; bei fiori rosa tenue abbondanti in primavera. Rizomatosa tappezzante.
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, con fogliame lussureggiante e grande, color nero ossidiana, forma a spirale e crestata.
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, magnifico fogliame argento, con sfumature di madreperla, rosa, e verdi, di incredibile lucentezza.
Le foglie pelose sono verde scuro e macchiate d'argento. I fiori sono bianchi e appaiono in autunno.
Begonia rizomatosa con foglie spiralate, grandi dai colori sgargianti: rosso, verde, bianco e porpora. Margini finemente seghettati e pelosi.
Begonia che prende il suo nome dalla somiglianza con le foglie di ricino. Grandi, palmate, seghettate sui margini e pubescenti. Fiori bianchi in primavera.
Rizomatosa strisciante. Foglie con margini ondulati e crespati, simili all'insalata invidia riccia. Fiorellini rosa tenue in primavera.
Begonia perenne a canna, con foglie molto grandi, pelose, e incredibile fioritura
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, fogliame spiralato, a puntini argento molto evidenti.
Begonia perenne a canna, con foglie appariscenti molto maculate, Fiorisce gran parte dell'anno.
Begonia perenne a canna, con foglie verdi lucide, di facilissima coltivazione. Fiorisce gran parte dell'anno.
Begonia perenne rizomatosa, con bollicine in rilievo color rosa-argento, incredibilmente insolito fogliame venato e cigliato; retro delle foglie color bordeaux.
Cane Begonia, with large, dark, silver-spotted leaves. Magnificent, with large cluster flowers, pink.
Begonia cane-like, reaches 150 cm in height, large speckled leaves, flowers in huge bunches produced almost all year round.
This begonia is rhizomatous, with star-shaped leaves, dark green-bronze with bright green veins, more evident in spring. Numerous white flowers in spring.
Species with large palmate leaves, it reaches up to 4 meters in height, but it can be kept pruned and lives well in even small pots. Magnificent spring flowers.
Begonia, a perennial rhizomatous species, has leaves similar to the Masonian species (trade name "Iron Cross"), but edged in brown, with the typical unmistakable bubbles in relief.
Robust rhizomatous. The serrated, pointed and variegated leaves, in green and white colors, with a burgundy back give this cultivar a unique character.
A very surprising cane-like/ bamboo begonia with its soft green fluffy leaves: they are covered with small “green shoots”, vegetative growths that resemble small leaves, easily form new plants from leaf cuttings. The overall look is very striking! Delicate white flowers in autumn.
Cultivar of perennial rhizomatous begonia, derived from the species B. masoniana (B. variegata) unmistakable leaves with raised bubbles. It has very large intense green leaves that turn orange to mahogany with age, creating a particular chromatic effect in the plant, which results in multiple colors.
Begonia burkillii is a unique and rare specie. Beautiful giant light green / silver leaves with dark green spots, and deep brown / burgundy on the back. The leaves shine iridescent and look like fatty velvet. It is native to India where it grows on steep rock walls in the jungle. Like all begonias, it loves well-drained soil and never stagnant excess of...
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