Perennial edible flowers and plants

There are 554 products.
Showing 421 - 450 of 554 items
  • Hydrangea macrophylla 'Teller Red'
    Out of stock
    Hydrangea macrophylla 'Teller Red'
    Hydrangea macrophylla

    Ortensia lacecap a grandi foglie con magnifici fiori a sepali tondeggianti, grandi ed evidenti.

    20,00 €
  • Hydrangea macrophylla 'Trebah Silver'
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    Hydrangea macrophylla 'Trebah Silver'
    Hydrangea macrophylla

    Ortensia a grandi foglie e con magnifici fiori globosi a sepali tondeggianti e concavi che ricordano i fiori di lillà.

    20,00 €
  • Hydrangea macrophylla 'Setsuka-yae' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Setsuka-yae'
    Out of stock
    Hydrangea macrophylla 'Setsuka-yae'
    Hydrangea macrophylla

    Semi-double, pink to blue in rounded heads, depending on soil, compact variety grows about 3' tall.

    20,00 €
  • Prunus serrulata “Amanogawa” Prunus serrulata “Amanogawa”
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    Prunus serrulata “Amanogawa”
    Prunus serrulata “Amanogawa”

    Prunus serrulata 'Amanogawa' is a slow-growing deciduous tree with a narrow unusual shape for those with limited space or as an element to catch the eye in the garden. It reaches a height of about 5 m. The young leaves are bronze colored, turn green and then yellow and orange in autumn. Double pink flowers in clusters on the upright branches in spring.

    15,00 €
  • Rosa ‘Alister Stella Gray’ Rosa ‘Alister Stella Gray’
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    Rosa ‘Alister Stella Gray’
    Rosa ‘Alister Stella Gray’

    Rosa antica noisette a rifiorenza continua, molto profumata, bel fogliame molto denso.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Twilight Zone' Rosa 'Twilight Zone'
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    Rosa 'Twilight Zone'
    Rosa 'Twilight Zone'

    American rose with an incredible dark purple and an inebriating citrus and spicy scent. Dense and compact foliage, very suitable for potting.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Jude the Obscure' Rosa 'Jude the Obscure'
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    Rosa 'Jude the Obscure'
    Rosa 'Jude the Obscure'

    Apricot-pink English rose, shaded cream, with lighter underside. and ocher tones, among the most famous and awarded. Very fragrant, it blooms well even in warm climates.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant' Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant'
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    Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant'
    Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant'

    Rosa antica bourbon dall’incredibile color lilla chiaro rosato variegata di magenta, profumo di fragola.E' una delle più belle rose antiche.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Climbing Pompon de Paris' Rosa 'Climbing Pompon de Paris'
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    Rosa 'Climbing Pompon de Paris'
    Rosa 'Climbing Pompon de Paris'

    Rosa antica cinese, dai piccoli fiori rosa-lilla molto pieni e portati in gran numero.

    40,00 €
  • Rosa 'Sally Holmes'
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    Rosa 'Sally Holmes'
    Rosa 'Sally Holmes'

    Rosa moschata a fiore semplice con grandi mazzi, quasi senza spine, molto rifiorente.E' riconosciuta come una delle migliori rose al mondo.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa ‘William Baffin’ Rosa ‘William Baffin’
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    Rosa ‘William Baffin’
    Rosa ‘William Baffin’

    Rosa canadese color rosa fragola molto resistente, vigorosa e rifiorente, una delle poche rampicanti per climi nordici estremi.

    40,00 €
  • Rosa 'Hermosa' Rosa 'Hermosa'
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    Rosa 'Hermosa'
    Rosa 'Hermosa'

    Rosa antica cinese, che fiorisce a ripetizione, dai bei fiori a coppa; molto elegante grazie ai sottili rami arcuati e ai fiori penduli.

    40,00 €
  • Rosa 'Marvelle' Rosa 'Marvelle'
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    Rosa 'Marvelle'
    Rosa 'Marvelle'

    Rosa ibrido di tea con fiori variegati tono su tono, rifiorentissima e prolifica.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Mozart' Rosa 'Mozart'
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    Rosa 'Mozart'
    Rosa 'Mozart'

    Rosa moschata con grandi mazzi, i cui fiori rosa dal centro bianco sembrano 'occhi' che ti guardano.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Lavender Dream' Rosa 'Lavender Dream'
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    Rosa 'Lavender Dream'
    Rosa 'Lavender Dream'

    Shrub rose with soft and arched branches, enchanting, pink with intense lavender nuances. Flowering is very abundant and continuous, interesting red berries ripen in late autumn and winter.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Rhapsody in Blue' Rosa 'Rhapsody in Blue'
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    Rosa 'Rhapsody in Blue'
    Rosa 'Rhapsody in Blue'

    Rosa floribunda considerata una delle più blu esistenti, con un forte profumo di spezie.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Sombreuil' Rosa 'Sombreuil'
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    Rosa 'Sombreuil'
    Rosa 'Sombreuil'

    Vigorosa rosa rampicante, che raggiunge i 4 metri. Fiori grandi, molto pieni fino a 60 petali, dal profumo forte, dolce; rifiorente a ondate. Tollerante l'ombra.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Parbleu' Rosa 'Parbleu'
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    Rosa 'Parbleu'
    Rosa 'Parbleu'

    Scented miniature rose, mauve color. Miniature roses are particularly suitable for pots and on the ground in close-ups of flower beds.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Paul Crampel'
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    Rosa 'Paul Crampel'
    Rosa 'Paul Crampel'

    Impossibile catturare in foto il rosso/rosa corallo di questa rosa dei primi '900. In boccio è di un rosso geranio, che trascolora all'arancio vivo rosato, petali al centro soffusi di bianco.. Fiorisce a grandi mazzi ininterrottamente. Profumata, con fiorellini semidoppi (fino a 16 petali). Foglioline sane e lucide verde chiaro. 60x60cm

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Ametista' Rosa 'Ametista'
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    Rosa 'Ametista'
    Rosa 'Ametista'

    Hybrid tea rose, with an intense purplish mauve, tinged with cyclamen pink towards the outside. The scent is heavenly.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Zéphirine Drouhin' Rosa 'Zéphirine Drouhin'
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    Rosa 'Zéphirine Drouhin'
    Rosa 'Zéphirine Drouhin'

    Vigorous rose with large flowers, which can be used as a hedge, a pillar or even a large self-supporting shrub, if left free. Shade tolerant. Strong and damask fragrance, it blooms on short stems, attached to the branch, for this reason it has a very full effect in flowering.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carrière' Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carrière'
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    Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carrière'
    Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carrière'

    Rosa Noisette, con fiori in abbondanza, profumatissimi, stradoppi, globosi, color crema, sfumati di rosa chiaro, e slamone. Fino a 30 petali. diametro medio di 10 cm. Fioritura perpetua durante tutta la stagione. Fogliame verde scuro. Grande rampicante, molto vigoroso che arriva fino a 7 metri. Resistente alla siccità, ombra tollerante. 

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Apple Blossom' Rosa 'Apple Blossom'
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    Rosa 'Apple Blossom'
    Rosa 'Apple Blossom'

    Vigorous multiflora climber, up to 5 m. Light pink, tinged with dark pink: in the same bunch the flowers appear to be two different colors depending on the stage of flowering. Fragrant, shade tolerant.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Papa Meilland' (sin. 'Meicesar') Rosa 'Papa Meilland' (sin. 'Meicesar')
    Out of stock
    Rosa 'Papa Meilland Climber' (sin. 'Meisarsar')

    Versione rampicante del famoso ibrido di tea a fiori grandi (fino a 40 petali) e profumatissimi. Fiorisce a ondate per tutta la stagione. Color rosso scuro vellutato. Foglie grandi, lucide, verde scuro.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa sericea pteracantha Rosa sericea pteracantha
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    Rosa sericea pteracantha
    Rosa sericea pteracantha

    Rosa con spine giovani rosso rubino molto acceso e appariscenti, i rami si coprono di piccoli fiori bianchi in primavera, a 4 petali; seguono cinorrodi color arancio.

    20,00 €
  • Rosa 'Blushing Babylon Eyes' Rosa 'Blushing Babylon Eyes'
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    Rosa 'Blushing Babylon Eyes'
    Rosa 'Blushing Babylon Eyes'

    Hybrid rose of Hulthemia persica, very resistant like the plant from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa ‘Trendy Babylon Eyes' Rosa ‘Trendy Babylon Eyes'
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    Rosa ‘Trendy Babylon Eyes'
    Rosa ‘Trendy Babylon Eyes'

    Hybrid rose of Hulthemia persica, pink color with dark dark center very resistant like the plant from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Cream Babylon Eyes'
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    Rosa 'Cream Babylon Eyes'
    Rosa 'Cream Babylon Eyes'

    Compact rose derived from Hulthemia persica, with an intense yellow color and a dark purple center. As the color turns towards white, we will have white and yellow flowers on the same plant at the same time. Very resistant as the plant from which it originates, healthy and re-flowering.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa ‘Peach Parfum' Rosa ‘Peach Parfum'
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    Rosa ‘Peach Parfum'
    Rosa ‘Peach Parfum'

    Very healthy and re-blossoming rose, touching it you want to eat it so much the smell is delicious.

    40,00 €
  • Rosa 'Little Sunset' ('KORlutmag') Rosa 'Little Sunset' ('KORlutmag')
    Out of stock
    Rosa 'Little Sunset' ('KORlutmag')
    Rosa 'Little Sunset'

    25,00 €

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