Fogliame sempreverde, lucido e coriaceo, ama l'ombra. Fiori che spuntano da terra alla base delle foglie. Si allarga con rizomi sotterranei formando fitte colonie. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Rare fast-growing perennial fern with unmistakable thin silver-white variegated leaves, resistant up to -6°C. Below 4° C the leaves burn more or less evidently; it then grows back in spring. Indoors and in any case above 5°C it grows all year round.
Repeatedly blooms from late spring to fall, one of the most reblooming perennials. Despite its exotic appearance, it is a surprising perennial resistant to frost, and also to intense sun, and to hot areas. Magnificent silvery and soft leaves. Evergreen in zone 9-10. In zone 7-8 you can lose much of the aerial part. It spreads with short rhizomes creating...
Billbergia x windii is a very attractive historic cultivar with the large reddish-pink bracts of Billbergia decora and the cold tolerance of Billbergia nutans. The flowers have the same color and structure as Billbergia nutans although the bracts are redder - less pink - and shorter in length. The flowers usually hang down, so it is ideal in a hanging...
Specie di bergenia semisempreverde molto singolare e ricercata: le grandi foglie arrotondate (che ricordano appunto orecchie di elefante) sono coperte da entrambi i lati di morbida peluria. Spighe di fiori appaiono in primavera, color rosa pallido. Pianta da ombra a minima manutenzione.
Known as Boston fern, sword fern or herringbone fern, extremely easy to care for, it does not perish in poor soils or for a long time in pots. Magnificent even in very deep shade.
Dense evergreen ground cover with small green-bronze leaves, fast growing. Spectacular flowering in spring blue-blue color. Suitable both in the shade (where the leaves are more green-bronze and where little or nothing should be watering) and in the sun (where the leaves take on more reddish-bronze colors) where it should be watered a little more.
Ground cover of the Solanaceae family, with large, white flowers, incredibly fragrant beginning at night, produced in late spring and summer. It spreads rapidly under the soil with its own rhizomes, creating carpets of lush leaves, without being invasive. Evergreen if winter is not too harsh, otherwise deciduous.
Penstemon 'Catherine de la Mare' is a spreading, woody, semi-evergreen perennial, up to 50cm tall, with dull, bluish-green leaves and dense racemes of beautiful, electric blue tubular flowers that turn purplish as they age, 3cm long, borne on reddish stems in summer. Long spring flowering. An easy, hardy penstemon requiring moderate water and sun....
Sempreverde che forma fittissimi tappeti di foglioline verdi scure, porpora-bronzee, emette bei fiori blu a spighe piramidali a fine primavera inizio estate. Ottima pianta che può sostituire il prato e vegeta bene sia al sole che all’ombra.
Forms dense elegant tufts, with thin foliage, unusual flowering. It is enhanced in a pot, useful for giving a touch of winter color and structure in flowerbeds. Perfect for lawns in any exposure from sun to shade. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda
Heucherella (hybrid between Heuchera and Tiarella) hanging / ground cover with purple leaves with silver patina. It is a long-lived and resistant variety. Spikes of very abundant white flowers in spring, persistent foliage in mild climates, semi-shriveling in more rigid climates. Highly valued in pots, but also on the ground, where it forms large splashes...
Perennial and long-lived Aspidistra, low, small in size and very easy to grow. It spreads like a ground cover easily and quickly, as it takes root wherever the rhizome crawls and rests on the ground. Large and variegated leaf, striped and dotted. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Dwarf Aspidistra, evergreen, with thin lanceolate leaves dotted with white. Slow rhizomatous ground cover that requires zero care. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Liriope tappezzante a foglie sempreverdi molto sottili e a crescita rapida. I fiori sono spighe sottili di colore viola. Utile dove il prato cresce a stento in zone d’ombra.
Pianta nana tappezzante, con piccole foglie morbide sempreverdi e fioritura molto lunga, da primavera ad autunno. Adatta a sole e mezz'ombra e a terreni molto ben drenati.
Flower bulb of very easy cultivation, which exponentially expands, forming colonies and grasslands. Long autumn flowering, persistent leaves in winter (summer rest), magnificent, a must have.
Perennial herbaceous plant, evergreen with shade forms dense elegant tufts, with light, bright, lime-gold green foliage. Particularly enhanced in raised pots, due to the characteristic drooping habit and curved leaves, useful for giving a touch of color and structure in flower beds.
Perennial herbaceous plant, evergreen for shade, it forms dense elegant tufts, with leaves streaked with dark green and white. In pots the beautiful foliage is enhanced; useful for adding a touch of color and structure to flowerbeds. It also grows well in a pot in an apartment.
Perennial herbaceous plant, evergreen for shade, forming dense elegant tufts, with light green and cream-gold variegated foliage. Particularly valued in raised pots, due to the characteristic hanging habit and curved leaves, useful for giving a touch of color and structure to flowerbeds. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Periwinkle with small leaves, very dense, forms impenetrable carpets. Unusual variegated lime green, cream and gold foliage. In summer and therefore following in winter the variegation is almost imperceptible or absent; this happens for many plants with clear or variegated leaves because the plant defends itself from heat and ultraviolet rays. With the...
Very dwarf cultivar of Ophiopogon, slow, perennial. With evergreen leaves, suitable for areas with morning sun, partial shade or deep shade.
Evergreen perennial plant used as a very fast ground cover or drooping: the foliage falls for a couple of meters if it does not find soil in which to root. White variegated leaves, blue-purple flowers (periwinkle color) in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
C. pendula è una vigorosa pianta perenne rizomatosa che forma grossi ciuffi di foglie verdi, lineari e pieghettate, con molti steli che rotolano diversi spigoli di fiori sottili e penduli.
Known for having foliage that turns beet red in late autumn during cold weather. Each plant features a rosette of leathery leaves, which emerge new in spring, are evergreen and retain their deep green color in winter in mild winter climates, but instead form attractive shades of purple to beet red when temperatures drop in autumn in cold climates. winter,...
Perennial herbaceous plant, evergreen for shade, forming dense elegant tufts, with dark green and white variegated leaves. In pots the beautiful foliage is enhanced; useful for adding a touch of color and structure to flowerbeds. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Evergreen ground cover with silver leaves and deep pink flowers in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Perennial evergreen geranium resistant to intense frost, with scented leaves of citrus tones; rapid expansion and long flowering. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
This ground cover saxifrage (trailing in pot) has evergreen leaves tinged with purple in an unusual way and flowers that resemble orchids borne on much larger than normal spikes, about 50-60 cm tall, in late spring. It grows very quickly, in shady or slightly sunny areas. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Magnifica rizomatosa con fiori blu-azzurri, fino a 3 cm di diametro, foglie trilobate, lucide e leggermente variegate (particolarmente evidente al risveglio vegetativo). Originaria dei boschi.
Filtri (154 products)