Tappezzante sempreverde adatta in zone d'ombra, perfetta come sostituto del prato. Spighe di piccoli fiori bianco-lilla in tarda primavera seguiti da bacche scure.
Red-flowered herbaceous sage with incredibly long flowering from April to autumn. Remove the faded flowers.
'Robustica' is a vigorous, mound-forming, herbaceous perennial with scalloped, toothed, softly hairy, grey-green leaves and large, spreading sprays of tiny yellow-green flowers from early summer to early autumn. Bigger than specie.Cut back in late summer once foliage and spent flowers become untidy. To prevent self-seeding, cut back the flowering stems...
Much more compact perennial than the species, it blooms a long from late spring all summer. The flowers are fuchsia, and the young leaves are purple, which makes it very showy. Great drainage is the key to success, the only thing that can kill them is soggy winter soil. Conversely, they are very resistant to drought and intense sun.
Ground cover / hanging bellflower, very long-lived and vigorous, zero maintenance, so much so that it finds itself abandoned in old gardens, it forms beautiful cushions of heart-shaped leaves that bear abundant stalks of blue-purple starry bells in summer.
Dwarf solidago, which does not exceed 50 cm, but vigorous and well branched. The durable flowers are suitable for cutting and attract butterflies. Showy lemon-yellow spikes for a long time: it begins to emerge around August and continues until October.
Perennial plant with very long summer flowering. Round-edged petals form perfect yellow swirls with velvety deep red centers; Delicate, fine foliage adds texture and unusual texture for an interesting contrast to surrounding perennials.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva prolungata davvero molto prolifica. Fiori leggeri e delicati, ottimo riempitivo in aiuola. Cultivar compatta adatta anche al vaso.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva prolungata e rifiorente, i fiori sono dorate margherite durevoli, adatte al taglio. Di grande impatto anche dalla distanza.
Sempreverde e sempre in fiore in zone miti; i fiori rosa chiaro sembrano pom pom, foglie variegate purpuree, appariscenti. Utile come coprisuolo per liberarsi da infestanti non ornamentali, e bella anche come ricadente in vasi e fioriere.
Sophisticated, rare and robust shade plant, easy to grow. with magnificent pubescent foliage, khaki green. Yellow flowers similar to those of a tradescantia bloom for a long time from spring to summer on new tops.
Allium tuberosum is very easy to grow and very impressive because it forms large masses, great for those who love white. A member of the onion family, it forms clumps that can be grown for both culinary and ornamental purposes. It has gray-green leaves similar to chives up to 30 cm long which can be used in cooking in the same way as chives (Allium...
Erbacea dalla fioritura prolungata estiva, chiamata 'Fiori farfalla' con magnifici fiori azzurro-blu in tutto simili al tropicale Clerodendrum ugandense. Nonostante l'aspetto tropicale è resistentissima al gelo e inoltre è utile nella lotta contro le zanzare. Le foglie molto odorose sono ricche di terpeni repellenti.
Herbaceous ground cover sage that quickly expands to form thick carpets, remains low (leaves remain on 20 cm) and blooms incredibly long from spring to autumn, with blue flower. It resists up to -12 ° C.
Salvia very easy to grow, the flowers bloom from spring to summer and can rebloom sporadically until the end of summer if the withered flowers are promptly cut off. Excellent fresh cut flower. The leaves are aromatic, they taste of anise and resin.
Perennial herbaceous plant, prolonged summer re-flowering, deep fuchsia color with veined black center, in contrast with the magnificent light green/lime leaves
This perennial blooms for a long time from late spring through the summer. Resistant to intense frost. The flowers develop in spikes, and the species has flowers rather close together and with pink buds; even the freshly opened petals are pinkish. For cultivation, good drainage is the key to success, the only thing that can kill them is soggy winter soil....
Perennial herbaceous plant, with prolonged and flourishing summer flowering, the flowers are large daisies with thin petals facing downwards.
Herbaceous perennial plant with a very showy flowering, it forms fragrant panicle flowers, cutting the fading flowers it blooms until autumn, from summer. Mixed colors, sometimes even in the same pot, the tufts are obtained from seed. They self-seed easily forming colonies. The flowers have a spicy flavor that adds a peppery flavor to salads and soups....
Anemone hupehensis 'Bowles's Pink' has pink and fuchsia flowers with slightly irregular bowl-shaped petals in late summer and autumn, the two outer tepals smaller and darker. It therefore has a disheveled two-tone effect. RHS AGM plant.
Geranium pratense 'Midnight Ghost' has dark, almost black, finely toothed, purplish-burgundy foliage that contrasts brilliantly with the white flowers. Reblooms from spring to autumn.
This is a long-lived allium (which does not shrink over the years, but rather expands by forming colonies) that forms tufts. Each rhizome does not produce single isolated flowers, but various stems so the mass of flowers is very showy. It blooms in July and August, like all alliums it keeps annoying insects away.
A vigorous plant with soft pink and silky flowers: it is the first anemone to flower, since August, it brings flowers until the arrival of frost. If you want the pom pom of seeds brought in winter do not cut the dead flowers. In our opinion the best japanese anemone. Perfect with morning sun or patchy shade.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, gray-green leaves fragrant with garlic. They form large tufts with fragrant pale pink-violet flowers, blooming for a long time,from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for many years, able to thrive in rather poor soils.
Most compact mugwort of the species, with silvery leaves and golden flowers in summer. Immediately after flowering, it should be pruned low to keep it full and promote basal regrowth. Leaves and flower heads are used as flavoring, for herbal teas or to garnish sauces, gravies, etc. Evergreen in mild winters.
Yarrow bush with large, golden flowers borne on tall stems. Vigorous, it forms large clump, cutting the stems with faded flowers causes it to bloom from spring to autumn. The leaves are fragrant, of a glaucous green. The flowers are magnificent when cut.
Clouds of double white flowers float from late spring on the tall, strong stems of Achillea ptarmica 'Double Diamond'. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, tolerates drought and is also great for harvesting cut flowers for both fresh and dried compositions, being extremely durable. Re-blooms until late summer if you take care to cut the faded...
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura estiva prolungata. Lunghe spighe fiorali rosa. Vigorosa, può essere divisa tutti gli anni.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura primaverile-estiva prolungata e rifiorente, i fiori a tre petali sono molto vistosi color blu-violaceo, in contrasto con le foglie dorate.
Dwarf deciduous grass, with flowers throughout the summer until autumn, similar to feathery rabbit tails. Suitable for the sun, resistant to dryness, it is enhanced both on the ground and in pots, where it grows with a compact ball habit. The flowers catch the light and are extremely ornamental. Even in winter it remains attractive even if dry, it can be...
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