E' una pianta succulenta rara resistente alla siccità originaria del Madagascar. Forma rosette di foglie 15x15 cm. Le foglie hanno macchie ovali bianche. In pieno sole, le foglie verdi e bianche diventano di un colore arancio/violaceo.
Succulent plant trailing down in the shape of a heart, also called 'crowns of hearts'. Leaves very fleshy, hanging or creeping like an ivy requires little water. Flowers like small elongated trumpets.
Rhizomatous begonia with very large and dark leaves (mahogany tones); introduced in 1947 by Joe Hayden. In winter, clusters of pink flowers emerge from its large green-burgundy foliage. Very vigorous and indestructible variety.
Evergreen ground cover with silver leaves and deep pink flowers in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Evergreen perennial plant used as a very fast ground cover or drooping: the foliage falls for a couple of meters if it does not find soil in which to root. White variegated leaves, blue-purple flowers (periwinkle color) in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Gardenia 'Crown Jewel' has sweetly scented flowers. Double flowers and resistant to winter climate (resistant to -10 ºC.); blooms on new and old branches. The height is 60 cm and becomes 1 m wide. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Perennial evergreen geranium resistant to intense frost, with scented leaves of citrus tones; rapid expansion and long flowering. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Abutilon 'Thousand Kisses Cherry' has deep pink flowers, petals with more intensely raised veins and bright yellow-orange stamens.Flowers are produced in large numbers all year round, as long as the plant receives sufficient light (never direct sun)
Rhizomatous perennial begonia, with iridescent and metallic foliage.
Rapidly growing herbaceous perennial, with beautiful pink flowers and purple leaves with thin green and silver streaks, used as a hanging plant in pots or as a ground cover, outdoors in mild climates. In the sun it becomes an incredibly magnificent, very intense fuchsia/purple pink.
Rapidly growing perennial suffrutix. Very attractive and characteristic cultivar for its numerous particular inflorescences. This cultivar is the most floriferous of the species.
Rapidly growing perennial herb with blue-lilac flowers, used as a hanging pot or as a ground cover, outdoors in fairly mild climates. Unusual silvery and hairy leaves.
As the name of the cultivar suggests, this phormium is variegated in three colors: pink, white and green. Very broad (up to 6 cm) and curved ribbon-like leaves, evergreen. Height 120 cm, width approximately 180 cm. It also lives well in a pot indoors. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Phormium with a beautiful, evident cream-colored variegation, with very broad (up to 6 cm) and curved ribbon-shaped leaves. Evergreen, height 90 cm, width approximately 180 cm. It also lives well in a pot indoors. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
This ground cover saxifrage (trailing in pot) has evergreen leaves tinged with purple in an unusual way and flowers that resemble orchids borne on much larger than normal spikes, about 50-60 cm tall, in late spring. It grows very quickly, in shady or slightly sunny areas. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Aromatic perennial herbaceous plant, scented with incense, decumbent habit, very attractive due to its beautiful leaves, repels annoying insects.
Grande arbusto sempreverde originario delle foreste subtropicali di Taiwan. Le foglie verdi lucenti, simili a mani, variegate di crema in modo appariscente, Nei climi tropicali e subtropicali produce grappoli di fiori allungati che maturano a grappoli cascanti di vistose bacche da arancio rossiccio a nere. Le foglie variegate possono bruciare con sole...
Extraordinary plant comes from South Africa with an exotic appearance. Similar to starfish, they have six creamy white petals with ruffled edges and speckled purple spots. Corms that are easy to grow indoors where outdoor is freezing, vegetate from autumn to spring, sleep in summer, and bloom in late winter. They need abundant light and no water...
Erbacea perenne a rapido accrescimento, dai bei fiorellini rosa e foglie con striature d'argento, usata come ricadente in vaso o come tappezzante, all'aperto in climi miti.
Herbaceous, perennial, evergreen plant, a very decorative variety due to its arched tufted leaves with central variegation and cascading stolons with small plants. Mainly indoors.
Begonia di tipo rizomatoso con fogliame molto particolare. Ha una superficie irregolare, molto rugosa, increspata, che si dirama come una ragnatela. Fiori bianchi appariscenti in primavera.
Variegated shape with white, cream and light green stripes, longitudinal of variable thickness, wide or thin, or on the margins, evergreen foliage, shiny and leathery. Shade plant. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Bulbous perennial herbaceous plant, long-blooming, with beautiful bicolor funnel-shaped flowers. The petals of this cultivar are gold and burgundy. Pots contain multiple bulbs. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again with the heat).
Rapidly growing herbaceous perennial with purple-purple leaves and pink flowers, used as a hanging plant in pots or as a ground cover, outdoors in mild climates.
Perenne succulenta che fiorisce in inverno (su coste e isole) con magnifiche spighe rosso corallo lunghe 20 cm e più. In natura può arrivare ai 3 metri di altezza. La pianta ha numerose proprietà curative. Piante di almeno tre anni, cresciute senza l'uso di sostanze chimiche.
Tradescantia with leaves with purple dots, the sunnier the exposure, the more purplish-violet rather than green the leaves are. In bloom from late winter to late autumn, very showy, also used in flowerbeds (it resists frost down to -12°C; it was collected in the Sierra Chiquita mountains, Mexico at an altitude of 3400m) losing the aerial part in winter ....
Species of the Polygonaceae family, vigorous, fast growing, evergreen (except in very harsh winters, where it sheds), magnificent as ground cover or as a hanging also in pots. It covers both sunny and shaded areas, growing well in both light conditions. In bloom in early summer. It can also be used as a climber: in height it reaches about 4 meters, or...
L'Abutilon 'Albus' ha fiori bianco puro, petali con venature in rilievo e stami gialli molto evidenti. I fiori sono prodotti in gran numero tutto l'anno, purchè la pianta abbia luce sufficiente (mai sole diretto)
L'Abutilon megapotamicum 'Big Bell' ha fiori penduli, che sembrano lanterne orientali gialle e rosse. Ha rami sottili e procumbenti, adatta come rampicante, se fissata ad un supporto, in quanto non si regge da sè, o ricadente se lasciata in forma libera.
L'Abutilon 'Julia' ha fiori giallo vivido puro, petali con venature in rilievo e stami gialli. I fiori sono prodotti in gran numero tutto l'anno, purchè la pianta abbia luce sufficiente (mai sole diretto)
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