Search  "nepeta" 3 results have been found.

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  • Nepeta × faassenii Nepeta × faassenii
    Nepeta × faassenii
    Nepeta × faassenii

    Pianta perenne tappezzante di forma arbustiva, dalle foglie grigio-verdi aromatiche e dal profumo agrumato, fiorisce abbondantemente in estate e si espande tappezzando rapidamente vaste aree di terreno. Il sapore è simile a quello della menta, ma più delicato, si può aggiugere a piacere in ogni piatto, dal primo al dolce.

    7,00 €
  • Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low' Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low'
    Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low'

    More compact cultivar, with taller, darker larger flowers and silvery leaves. Shrub-shaped, aromatic and citrus-scented ground cover perennial, it blooms profusely in summer and expands rapidly covering large areas of land. The flavor is similar to that of mint, but more delicate, it can be added to any dish, from first course to dessert.

    9,00 €
  • Nepeta yunnanensis x nervosa "Blue Dragon" Nepeta yunnanensis x nervosa "Blue Dragon"
    Out of stock
    Nepeta yunnanensis x nervosa 'Blue Dragon'
    Nepeta nervosa

    Compact plant that remains upright, large flowers (2 centimeters each), in bloom from June to September, magnificent substitute for lavender, but deciduous. Leaves intensely and pleasantly scented with spices.

    12,00 €

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