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Showing 811 - 840 of 1541 items
  • Iris foetidissima 'Citrina' Iris foetidissima 'Citrina'
    Out of stock
    Iris foetidissima 'Citrina'
    Iris foetidissima 'Citrina'

    Shade lover iris that gives interesting shade in the 4 seasons. The dark green leaves are evergreen, it blooms profusely in spring with soft gold, shaded and variegated chestnut and purple flowers, and then clusters of red berries are formed in late summer which remain in autumn / winter.

    15,00 €
  • Papaver orientale 'Pizzicato' (mix) Papaver orientale 'Pizzicato' (mix)
    Out of stock
    Papaver orientale 'Pizzicato' (mix)
    Papaver orientale

    Compact poppies, with strong stems that do not exceed 50 cm in height, but with large flowers, up to 20 cm in diameter, which blooms in late spring. Mixed colors: a mixture of red, scarlet, orange, pink and white flowers. Black spots at the base of the petals.

    12,00 €
  • Spiraea prunifolia 'Plena' Spiraea prunifolia 'Plena'
    Out of stock
    Spiraea prunifolia 'Plena'
    Spiraea prunifolia

     Deciduous garden shrub, spring flowering with arched branches which are covered with double white flowers, similar to little roses. Resistant to dryness once taken root, to be pruned immediately after flowering.

    20,00 €
  • Aster dumosus 'Brigitte' Aster dumosus 'Brigitte'
    Aster dumosus 'Brigitte'
    Aster dumosus 'Brigitte'

    Cultivar di aster, perenne erbacea di forma arbustiva con fiori semi doppi a margherita color lavanda pallido e centro giallo contornato da alcuni petali che crescono in direzione diversa dagli altri e che creano un effetto cromatico davvero molto interessante. La fioritura è fortemente attrattiva per le farfalle.

    8,00 €
  • Hemerocallis "Bonanza" Hemerocallis "Bonanza"
    Hemerocallis "Bonanza"
    Hemerocallis Bonanza"

    Cultivar of hemerocallis at most about 75 cm high, with canary yellow flowers with deep red, deciduous, diploid throats.

    6,00 €
  • Cortaderia selloana
    Cortaderia selloana
    Cortaderia selloana

    Cortaderia with white, showy, feathery flowers. It is one of the most rustic and large grasses, with a notable impact (2.5x2 m), evergreen. It also adapts well to large pots.

    25,00 €
  • Salvia greggii 'Stormy Pink' Salvia greggii 'Stormy Pink'
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    Salvia greggii 'Stormy Pink'
    Salvia greggii 'Stormy Pink'

    Salvia dai fiori color rosa tenue prodotti gran parte dell’anno dalla primavera all’autunno, foglie deliziosamente profumate.

    7,00 €
  • Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis)
    Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis)
    Aloe vera

    Succulent perennial that flowers in winter (on coasts and islands) with magnificent coral red spikes 20 cm and more long. In nature it can reach 3 meters in height. The plant has numerous healing properties. Plants at least three years old, grown without the use of chemicals.

    15,00 €
  • Coreopsis 'Bengal Tiger' Coreopsis 'Bengal Tiger'
    Coreopsis 'Bengal Tiger'
    Coreopsis 'Bengal Tiger'

    Perennial plant with very long summer flowering. Round-edged petals form perfect yellow swirls with velvety deep red centers; Delicate, fine foliage adds texture and unusual texture for an interesting contrast to surrounding perennials.

    8,00 €
  • Baptisia australis x alba 'Purple Smoke' Baptisia australis x alba 'Purple Smoke'
    Baptisia australis x alba 'Purple Smoke'
    Baptisia australis

    Steli grigio-blu quando emergono e fogliame grigio-verde, fiori che sono viola-blu che trascolorano al grigio-azzurro.Le piante mature di 3-4 anni possono portare più di 50 steli fioriti in primavera. Le magnifcihe spighe di fiori arrivano a 45 cm di lunghezza.

    10,00 €
  • Buddleja × weyeriana 'Sungold’ Buddleja × weyeriana 'Sungold’
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    Buddleja × weyeriana 'Sungold’
    Buddleja × weyeriana 'Sungold’

    Arbusto semisempreverde, con fogliame glauco, che attira farfalle in gran numero. Fiori insoliti riuniti in spighe color giallo-champagne, molto profumati. Lunga fioritura da estate ad autunno.

    15,00 €
  • Chelidonium majus 'Flore Pleno' Chelidonium majus 'Flore Pleno'
    Chelidonium majus 'Flore Pleno'
    Chelidonium majus 'Flore Pleno'

    Magnificent herbaceous plant of the poppy family, but long-lived, for shade, with flowers similar to kerria. The velvety and soft fern-like leaves, the pom pom flowers of a delicate waxy yellow, the incredible ease and resistance, the length of flowering from May to August, make this plant one of the best shade perennials. Botanical rarity mutation of the...

    12,00 €
  • Phormium tenax 'Sundowner'
    Phormium tenax 'Sundowner'
    Phormium tenax 'Sundowner'

    It has a broad, upright bronze-green shape with broad pink margins tinged with cream in summer. The new foliage in spring is often striking, all pink. It grows 180-250 cm tall, reaching 3 metres in optimal growing conditions, leaves up to 20 cm wide. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.

    18,00 €
  • Hemerocallis 'Eight Miles High' Hemerocallis 'Eight Miles High'
    Hemerocallis 'Eight Miles High'
    Hemerocallis 'Eight Miles High'

    Inusuali fiori a inizio estate molto grandi sui 20 cm di diametro, alti 75 cm, sempreverdi, di colore rosso scuro-nero con bordi gialli ondulati. La gola è di un evidente giallo brillante.

    6,00 €
  • Begonia 'Sisquat'
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    Begonia 'Sisquat'
    Begonia 'Sisquat'

    Begonia perenne rizomatosa, molto vigorosa, dal bel fogliame venato e cigliato.

    8,00 €
  • Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery'
    Out of stock
    Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery'
    Begonia 'Little Brother'

    Begonia perenne a canna, resistente al gelo, adatta per sottobosco e zone ombrose, bel fogliame argenteo.

    15,00 €
  • Satureja spicigera Satureja spicigera
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    Satureja spicigera
    Satureja spicigera

    The ground cover savory is a semi-evergreen perennial shrub, with fine foliage, abundant late white flowers, when little else blooms, and an aroma of pepper and salt. It requires very little maintenance and attracts pollinating insects useful for the garden. Drought tolerant, it grows even in very poor soils. Enhanced in a pot where it is hanging,...

    8,00 €
  • Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola 'Sunset Velvet' Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola 'Sunset Velvet'
    Out of stock
    Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola 'Sunset Velvet'
    Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola

    Magnificent oxalis with orange-gold foliage with burgundy hues, it flowers and grows all year round, it should be treated as a succulent plant, little water well-drained soil with perlite or pumice. Hanging, very easy, roots by crawling on the ground or from cuttings. It also lives well in bright shade, more sun will accentuate the red of the leaves.

    12,00 €
  • Salvia x jamensis 'Violette De Loire' Salvia x jamensis 'Violette De Loire'
    Salvia x jamensis 'Violette De Loire'
    Salvia x jamensis

    Frost-resistant sage, with dark calyxes and a magnificent purple-violet color, dark and velvety, and iridescent.

    10,00 €
  • Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue'
    Festuca glauca 'Amigold'
    Festuca glauca 'Amigold'

    Perennial herbaceous plant, grass with dense foliage: in spring it is completely golden, clear and vibrant; later in the heat it is of a glaucous-lime, with a compact rounded shape, suitable for creating meadows in full sun.

    12,00 €
  • Ranunculus ficaria 'Brazen Hussy' Ranunculus ficaria 'Brazen Hussy'
    Ranunculus ficaria 'Brazen Hussy'
    Ranunculus ficaria

    For those who love the contrast given by the leaves, this Ranunculus ficaria cultivar cannot be missed. For the winter and spring garden, this is definitely one of the most unusual and showy plants we grow. This perennial emerges in winter with glossy black foliage, in rosettes. From late February to March, the tufts are topped with very bright yellow...

    12,00 €
  • Clematis heracleifolia 'China Purple' Clematis heracleifolia 'China Purple'
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    Clematis heracleifolia 'China Purple'
    Clematis heracleifolia

    Clematis 'China Purple' is a herbaceous, bushy and upright plant that bears spikes of blue-violet scented flowers in summer, suitable for cutting. Like climbing species, they produce attractive, fluffy seed heads in the fall.

    18,00 €
  • Helleborus 'Double White' Helleborus 'Double White'
    Helleborus 'Double White'
    Helleborus 'Double White'

    Double-flowered hellebore, pure white.

    15,00 €
  • Iris pumila 'Hocus Pocus' Iris pumila 'Hocus Pocus'
    Iris pumila 'Hocus Pocus'
    Iris pumila

    Unusual contrast of colors: orange yellow and lilac with blue beards. This dwarf iris has the charm of orchids.

    6,00 €
  • Begonia x aconitifolia  'Lady Vanderwilt' Begonia x aconitifolia  'Lady Vanderwilt'
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    Begonia x aconitifolia 'Lady Vanderwilt'
    Begonia x aconitifolia

    Cane Begonia, with large, dark, silver-spotted leaves. Magnificent, with large cluster flowers, pink.

    20,00 €
  • Begonia 'La Paloma' Begonia 'La Paloma'
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    Begonia richmondensis 'Alba'
    Begonia richmondensis 'Alba'

    Begonia perenne a canna, con foglie verdi lucide, di facilissima coltivazione. Fiorisce gran parte dell'anno.

    10,00 €
  • Rosa 'Victor Emmanuel' Rosa 'Victor Emmanuel'
    Rosa 'Victor Emmanuel'
    Rosa 'Victor Emmanuel'

    Very fragrant and repeat-flowering bourbon rose in the shape of peony flowers from the mid-19th century (Jean-Baptiste Guillot), the flowers (up to 8 cm in diameter, and extra-double with up to 40 petals) are dark fuchsia tinged with white in a variable way.

    30,00 €
  • Photinia x fraseri 'Pink Marble' Photinia x fraseri 'Pink Marble'
    Photinia x fraseri 'Pink Marble'
    Photinia x fraseri 'Pink Marble'

    Fotinia a foglie variegate di tre colori: sono verdi variegate di bianco e rosa-rosso. Fiori bianchi in primavera.

    20,00 €
  • Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Repens' Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Repens'
    Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Repens'
    Cotoneaster salicifolius

    Questa varietà tappezzante di cotoneaster è sempreverde, con rami arcuati che producono fiori bianchi in primavera e bacche rosse in autunno. Utile sia in pieno sole e siccità che in ombra secca.

    12,00 €
  • Cotoneaster lacteus Cotoneaster lacteus
    Cotoneaster lacteus
    Cotoneaster lacteus

    Sempreverde arbustivo, magnifico tutto l’anno: ai fiori bianchi e abbondanti primaverili seguono mazzi vistosi di bacche rosse invernali.

    12,00 €

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