Tall and dwarf bearded irises in mix. It is not possible to choose the color because we breed them in a mix, so the color of the potted rhizome flower will be random.
Pianta perenne erbacea da ombra tappezzante, molto vigorosa e a crescita rapidissima, semi-sempreverde, con magnifici fiori profumati primaverili che durano a lungo, e che hanno la grazia e le sfumature leopardate tipiche delle orchidee.
Fast growing perennial bulbous iris, very early flowering from late winter / early spring. The flowers, finely variegated with blue and spotted with blue and yellow, with a silky and translucent texture, possess the charm and grace of orchids. The pots for sale contain multiple iris bulbs.
Iris laevigata is a stunning aquatic iris that forms vigorous, sturdy clumps of green leaves topped with purple/blue crested iris flowers. This plant has been cultivated in Japan for more than a thousand years. It needs well-watered soil.
Magnifico iris barbata color zolfo, leopardato di viola e porpora.
Spontaneous species with spring flowering, fragrant flowers, resistant to dryness and frost. Bright purple color.
Iris barbata compatto, con petali molto arricciati dai toni in contrasto bianco e blu; molto fiorifero.
Extraordinary plant comes from South Africa with an exotic appearance. Similar to starfish, they have six creamy white petals with ruffled edges and speckled purple spots. Corms that are easy to grow indoors where outdoor is freezing, vegetate from autumn to spring, sleep in summer, and bloom in late winter. They need abundant light and no water...
Iris barbata rifiorente, dall'attraente fioritura bicolore, oro e rosso-ruggine.
Iris barbata molto arruffato, di un bel viola carico tono su tono.
Insolito iris barbata di media altezza con petali spruzzati di gocce e striscie bianche e viola-blu su fondo rosa salmone.
This bearded iris is a gorgeous shade of pink, with a pop of central color from the noticeable beard.
Shade lover iris that gives interesting shade in the 4 seasons. The dark green leaves are evergreen, it blooms profusely in spring with soft gold, shaded and variegated chestnut and purple flowers, and then clusters of red berries are formed in late summer which remain in autumn / winter.
Iris bulbosa a fioritura precocissima di fine inverno, in mix di sfumature viola-azzurro-blu. Da naturalizzare, forma colonie negli anni.
Bearded iris, reblooming, ice white, tinged with blue-violet.
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