Repeatedly blooms from late spring to fall, one of the most reblooming perennials. Despite its exotic appearance, it is a surprising perennial resistant to frost, and also to intense sun, and to hot areas. Magnificent silvery and soft leaves. Evergreen in zone 9-10. In zone 7-8 you can lose much of the aerial part. It spreads with short rhizomes creating...
Sun-loving ornamental grass native to North America, flowering early in late spring, forming very showy cotton-like buds. The basal portions of the green stems remain through the winter. Very high resistance to very intense frost.
Specie di bergenia semisempreverde molto singolare e ricercata: le grandi foglie arrotondate (che ricordano appunto orecchie di elefante) sono coperte da entrambi i lati di morbida peluria. Spighe di fiori appaiono in primavera, color rosa pallido. Pianta da ombra a minima manutenzione.
Perenne con grandi fiori bianchi, fino a 10 cm di diametro, fioritura estiva prolungata e rifiorente. Fiori molto durevoli, magnifici da usare recisi, simili a grossi fiordalisi.
Dense evergreen ground cover with small green-bronze leaves, fast growing. Spectacular flowering in spring blue-blue color. Suitable both in the shade (where the leaves are more green-bronze and where little or nothing should be watering) and in the sun (where the leaves take on more reddish-bronze colors) where it should be watered a little more.
Ground cover of the Solanaceae family, with large, white flowers, incredibly fragrant beginning at night, produced in late spring and summer. It spreads rapidly under the soil with its own rhizomes, creating carpets of lush leaves, without being invasive. Evergreen if winter is not too harsh, otherwise deciduous.
Perennial herbaceous plant, which flowers early and throughout spring, and produces numerous light blue bell-shaped flowers. It is one of the best and easiest shade plants, flowering profusely and forming large patches in the undergrowth.
Penstemon 'Catherine de la Mare' is a spreading, woody, semi-evergreen perennial, up to 50cm tall, with dull, bluish-green leaves and dense racemes of beautiful, electric blue tubular flowers that turn purplish as they age, 3cm long, borne on reddish stems in summer. Long spring flowering. An easy, hardy penstemon requiring moderate water and sun....
Perenne erbacea con foglie a cuore semi-sempreverdi, bei fiori penduli appariscenti, di due colori bianco e magenta; durevoli, prodotti tutta la primavera.
Sempreverde che forma fittissimi tappeti di foglioline verdi scure, porpora-bronzee, emette bei fiori blu a spighe piramidali a fine primavera inizio estate. Ottima pianta che può sostituire il prato e vegeta bene sia al sole che all’ombra.
Fiori rosa chiaro venato di porpora, fioritura estremamente lunga da primavera fino al gelo, coprisuolo, splendido anche in vaso.
The plant of the so-called "Bridal Veil" or "Baby's Breath". It blooms in late spring / early summer, very resistant to drought.
This bulbous perennial forms tufts of lanceolate leaves with large trumpet-shaped flowers that appear in spring in a cluster high above the foliage on a sturdy stem. Bright red petals that are suffused with white and a prominent central white stripe. Withstands up to -1 ° C. The flowers are very fragrant.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, grey-green leaves variegated with white, scented with garlic. They form large tufts with scented pale pink-violet flowers, blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for many years, able to thrive in rather poor soils.
Heucherella (hybrid between Heuchera and Tiarella) hanging / ground cover with purple leaves with silver patina. It is a long-lived and resistant variety. Spikes of very abundant white flowers in spring, persistent foliage in mild climates, semi-shriveling in more rigid climates. Highly valued in pots, but also on the ground, where it forms large splashes...
Geranium rustico resistente a bassissime temperature, a lunghissima fioritura precoce e primaverile; fiorisce da marzo a giugno, ininterrottamente, ricoprendosi di fiori rosa con margini bianchi, molto appariscenti. In autunno le foglie si tingono di rosso fuoco.
Garden allium to naturalize. It does not regress, on the contrary it expands exponentially more and more from year to year (and re-sows). Abundant beautiful long lasting pink / lilac flowers from late spring through summer. Bulbs and leaves are edible.
Periwinkle with small leaves, very dense, forms impenetrable carpets. Unusual variegated lime green, cream and gold foliage. In summer and therefore following in winter the variegation is almost imperceptible or absent; this happens for many plants with clear or variegated leaves because the plant defends itself from heat and ultraviolet rays. With the...
Perenne da ombra molto rara, abbastanza tollerante la siccità una volta attecchita. Predilige ombra, in particolare nelle ore più calde della giornata. Magnifici fiori stellati che si ergono sopra foglie dai toni porpora e bronzei se riceve qualche ora di sole, giallo-oro e rosso-arancio intensi in autunno.
Pianta erbacea perenne, a fioritura primaverile, fiori davvero insoliti e lievi come farfalle, simili a piccole aquilegie. Magnifiche foglie coriacee a forma di cuore allungato, che assumono un vivido color bronzo marmorizzato di giallo in autunno e in inverno.
Perenne a foglie cuoriformi che sfumano al porpora, semi-sempreverde, dai delicati fiori rosa campanulati con capo reclinato, a forma di stella.
Allium that grows and blooms in the cool of spring, suitable for the undergrowth and not too sunny areas. It reseeds itself by forming colonies. During the rest of the year it is dormant; it loves well-drained soil. The bulbs, flowers and leaves are edible; it has beneficial properties.
Succulent plant that resists intense frost, forms very large adult rosettes, bordeaux colored margins. Pinkish-white flowers in spring.
Known for having foliage that turns beet red in late autumn during cold weather. Each plant features a rosette of leathery leaves, which emerge new in spring, are evergreen and retain their deep green color in winter in mild winter climates, but instead form attractive shades of purple to beet red when temperatures drop in autumn in cold climates. winter,...
Pianta a rapida crescita e a insolita fioritura. L'esterno dei fiori rossi è incredibilmente acceso, impossibile da rendere in fotografia. Ama i luoghi semi-ombreggiati e si espande grazie alle radici fibrose e rizomatose, formando macchie ampie che si allargano esponenzialmente.
'Little Redhead' is a compact, lower selection of the species, vegetatively propagated to ensure uniformity. Dark red tubular flowers with yellow interiors are produced over the top of an upright clump of leaves, mass produced in the summer. It requires a good appearance to thrive, despite the exotic appearance it resists temperatures over -20 ° C.
Rhizomatous perennial with narrow, linear, grey-green leaves, scented with garlic. They form large tufts with scented pale pink-violet flowers with a creamy yellow center (similar to the flowers of small daffodils), blooming for a long time, from late spring to autumn. Tulbaghia violacea is very easy to grow and will last even in a state of neglect for...
Vigorous, low-maintenance herbaceous perennial with magnificent pink trumpet flowers produced year-round in mild climates and in large numbers. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the porch.
Perennial evergreen geranium resistant to intense frost, with scented leaves of citrus tones; rapid expansion and long flowering. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Lilies of the valley form carpets of leaves after spring flowering, very opaque for shady areas. In winter they go to rest to reappear in spring and bloom among the first perennials of the season. The scent is heavenly; the expansion seems slow at first, but each center produces another 2 or 3 each year, so it is exponential and dense. It is advisable to...
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