
There are 158 products.
Showing 91 - 120 of 158 items
  • Rosa 'Double Delight' (‘ANDeli’) Rosa 'Double Delight' (‘ANDeli’)
    Rosa 'Double Delight' (‘ANDeli’)
    Rosa 'Double Delight' (‘ANDeli’)

    Very fragrant Tea, with a changing color. More white than red, as it opens in the sun the petals turn red blood.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa "Gartnerfreude" Rosa "Gartnerfreude"
    Rosa "Gartnerfreude"
    Rosa "Gartnerfreude"

    Pink with carmine-raspberry flowers: the color is so intense that it is impossible to capture in photography. Compact re-flowering suitable for pots where it forms cascades, as well as in mixed borders, together with perennials and other shrubs. Very resistant to diseases.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Golden Celebration’ Rosa 'Golden Celebration’
    Rosa 'Golden Celebration’
    Rosa 'Golden Celebration’

    Very fragrant English rose, bright yellow color. The flowers are cup-shaped, magnificent even when cut; it grows well branched and with branches with softly arching tops.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Queen Babylon Eyes' Rosa 'Queen Babylon Eyes'
    Rosa 'Queen Babylon Eyes'
    Rosa 'Queen Babylon Eyes'

    Hybrid rose of Hulthemia persica, very resistant like the plant from which it originates, healthy, re-flowering. Flowers look like silk, unusual and delicious coloring, two-tone: white-tinged pink, dark red center.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'White Fairy' Rosa 'White Fairy'
    Rosa 'White Fairy'
    Rosa 'White Fairy'

    Rosa polyantha molto resistente e rifiorente; prolifica, dai rami arcuati e perfetta in bordi misti.Arbusto coprente e pieno, che fa bene anche in climi caldi. Inizia fiorire un po' più tardi rispetto alla maggior parte delle rose, tuttavia fiorisce ininterrottamente fino al gelo e la neve spesso copre le rose.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Mary Ann' Rosa 'Mary Ann'
    Rosa 'Mary Ann'
    Rosa 'Mary Ann'

    Rosa ibrido di tea, fiori ricchi a coppa, col fascino opulento delle rose antiche. Rifiorente.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa  'Super Excelsa' Rosa  'Super Excelsa'
    Rosa 'Super Excelsa'
    Rosa 'Super Excelsa'

    Modern hybrid wichurana rose, fuchsia pink rambler, flowers with a light perfume, very vigorously covering.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Borneo Odore'
    Rosa 'Borneo Odore'
    Rosa 'Borneo Odore'

    This rose has a heady, strong and fruity fragrance and is very re-flowering.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa ‘Anna Fendi' Rosa ‘Anna Fendi'
    Rosa ‘Anna Fendi'
    Rosa ‘Anna Fendi'

    Rose dedicated to the famous Italian designer, very healthy and remontant, Hybrid of tea with a delicate scent, peach in color, darker towards the inside of the flower. The flowers are large, double and cup-shaped.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Victor Emmanuel' Rosa 'Victor Emmanuel'
    Rosa 'Victor Emmanuel'
    Rosa 'Victor Emmanuel'

    Very fragrant and repeat-flowering bourbon rose in the shape of peony flowers from the mid-19th century (Jean-Baptiste Guillot), the flowers (up to 8 cm in diameter, and extra-double with up to 40 petals) are dark fuchsia tinged with white in a variable way.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa ‘Maigold’ Rosa ‘Maigold’
    Rosa ‘Maigold’
    Rosa ‘Maigold’

    Rosa pimpinellifolia a grandi fiori, color oro carico sfumato bronzo, estremamente resistente e vigorosa.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Martin Frobisher'
    Rosa 'Martin Frobisher'
    Rosa 'Martin Frobisher'

    Rosa canadese tra le più resistenti alle condizioni estreme di gelo, bei fiori romantici e ottimo profumo.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Love Song' Rosa 'Love Song'
    Rosa 'Love Song'
    Rosa 'Love Song'

    Floribunda with a light citrus scent, unique in shape and mauve / lilac color, with thick foliage. Suitable for pots and flower beds; for cut flowers.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Sourire d'Orchidée' Rosa 'Sourire d'Orchidée'
    Rosa 'Sourire d'Orchidée'
    Rosa 'Sourire d'Orchidée'

    Profumo delicato. Fiore fino a 16 petali. diametro medio 5 cm, semi-doppio a forma di coppa, a mazzi. Fiorisce a ondate per tutta la stagione. Piccolo, lucido, fogliame verde chiaro. Altezza fino a 180 cm. Color rosa-perlaceo, boccioli di un rosa più carico. Molto rifiorente.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Julia's Child' Rosa 'Julia's Child'
    Rosa 'Julia's Child'
    Rosa 'Julia's Child'

    The very abundant flowering, the sweet licorice scent, the very shiny foliage, the shape of the flower reminiscent of ancient roses, and the rounded bush that form, of this rose one of the best yellow roses: absolutely fabulous.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa "Colibri" ("Farbfestival") Rosa "Colibri" ("Farbfestival")
    Rosa "Colibri" ("Farbfestival")
    Rosa "Colibri" ("Farbfestival")

    Climbing rose and large flowers, variegated petals; up to 100 petals. Light apple scent.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Shining Beauty' Rosa 'Shining Beauty'
    Rosa 'Shining Beauty'
    Rosa 'Shining Beauty'

    Climbing rose with magnificent large wavy flowers, of a beautiful two-tone tone on orange tones.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Crazy Fashion'
    Rosa 'Crazy Fashion'
    Rosa 'Crazy Fashion'

    Hybrid tea rose with large, very re-flowering and fragrant flowers, with variegated flowers. It blooms continuously, shiny and dark leaves.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Amber Sun' Rosa 'Amber Sun'
    Rosa 'Amber Sun'
    Rosa 'Amber Sun'

    Shrub rose, apricot amber color, which fades to cream, blooms throughout the season. Bushy, glossy, with dark green foliage. High resistance to cold. Suitable for pots and mixed borders, it falls softly.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Climbing Iceberg' Rosa 'Climbing Iceberg'
    Rosa 'Climbing Iceberg'
    Rosa 'Climbing Iceberg'

    Healthy and re-flowering climbing rose with abundant pure white flowers. It reaches 5 meters. Sport of the shrub-shaped rose of the same name.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Bella di Todi' Rosa 'Bella di Todi'
    Rosa 'Bella di Todi'
    Rosa 'Bella di Todi'

    One of the most fragrant yellow tea hybrids; intense yellow with apricot tones, it has a beautiful cup shape divided into quarters.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Etrusca' Rosa 'Etrusca'
    Rosa 'Etrusca'
    Rosa 'Etrusca'

    Prolific Tea Hybrid Rose, suitable for pots, can also be used in mixed borders and for cut flowers.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Accademia' Rosa 'Accademia'
    Rosa 'Accademia'
    Rosa 'Accademia'

    Incredibly fragrant compact tea rose. Beautiful shape of the flowers, deep pink, tinged with purple, reminiscent of ancient roses.Shrub with a harmonious and leafy shape. Suitable for the vase.

    30,00 €
  • Rosa 'Old Blush' Rosa 'Old Blush'
    Rosa 'Old Blush'
    Rosa 'Old Blush'

    Very old Chinese rose from the late 18th century. Shade tolerant, very healthy and reblooming.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa ‘Alister Stella Gray’ Rosa ‘Alister Stella Gray’
    Out of stock
    Rosa ‘Alister Stella Gray’
    Rosa ‘Alister Stella Gray’

    Rosa antica noisette a rifiorenza continua, molto profumata, bel fogliame molto denso.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Twilight Zone' Rosa 'Twilight Zone'
    Out of stock
    Rosa 'Twilight Zone'
    Rosa 'Twilight Zone'

    American rose with an incredible dark purple and an inebriating citrus and spicy scent. Dense and compact foliage, very suitable for potting.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Jude the Obscure' Rosa 'Jude the Obscure'
    Out of stock
    Rosa 'Jude the Obscure'
    Rosa 'Jude the Obscure'

    Apricot-pink English rose, shaded cream, with lighter underside. and ocher tones, among the most famous and awarded. Very fragrant, it blooms well even in warm climates.

    25,00 €
  • Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant' Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant'
    Out of stock
    Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant'
    Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant'

    Rosa antica bourbon dall’incredibile color lilla chiaro rosato variegata di magenta, profumo di fragola.E' una delle più belle rose antiche.

    35,00 €
  • Rosa 'Climbing Pompon de Paris' Rosa 'Climbing Pompon de Paris'
    Out of stock
    Rosa 'Climbing Pompon de Paris'
    Rosa 'Climbing Pompon de Paris'

    Rosa antica cinese, dai piccoli fiori rosa-lilla molto pieni e portati in gran numero.

    40,00 €
  • Rosa 'Sally Holmes'
    Out of stock
    Rosa 'Sally Holmes'
    Rosa 'Sally Holmes'

    Rosa moschata a fiore semplice con grandi mazzi, quasi senza spine, molto rifiorente.E' riconosciuta come una delle migliori rose al mondo.

    30,00 €

Filtri (158 products)
