Other plants indoor

There are 85 products.
Showing 61 - 85 of 85 items
  • Stapelia grandiflora
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    Stapelia grandiflora
    Stapelia grandiflora

    Succulenta senza spine con fiori visibilmente pelosi a 5 punte (tra i nomi comuni di questa pianta, ‘cactus stella marina’), di facile coltivazione e dall’abbondante fioritura.

    9,00 €
  • Stapelia variegata
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    Stapelia variegata
    Stapelia variegata

    Succulenta senza spine con fiori maculati a 5 punte (tra i nomi comuni di questa pianta, ‘cactus stella marina’), facile da coltivare, fiorisce copiosamente.

    10,00 €
  • Streptocarpus saxorum Streptocarpus saxorum
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    Streptocarpus saxorum
    Streptocarpus saxorum

    Pianta semilegnosa a rapida crescita e di facile coltura, ricadente, con foglie pelose e fiori blu-lilla prodotti in gran numero tutto l’anno.

    8,00 €
  • Strobilanthes dyeranus 'Persian Shield' Strobilanthes dyeranus 'Persian Shield'
    Out of stock
    Strobilanthes dyeranus 'Persian Shield'
    Strobilanthes dyeranus

    Arbusto subtropicale richiedente poche cure, le cui foglie viola cangianti, sembrano di metallo; per questo chiamato ‘scudo persiano’. Bei fiori viola a campana prodotti sulle cime in primavera.

    15,00 €
  • Tibouchina urvilleana Tibouchina urvilleana
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    Tibouchina urvilleana
    Tibouchina urvilleana

    Arbusto a foglie pelose, dagli splendidi fiori viola-blu, prodotti tutto l’anno, adatto a vivere all’esterno in zone a clima mite.

    15,00 €
  • Mina lobata, sin. Quamoclit lobata,	Ipomoea versicolor,  Ipomoea lobata Mina lobata, sin. Quamoclit lobata,	Ipomoea versicolor,  Ipomoea lobata
    Out of stock
    Mina lobata, sin. Quamoclit lobata, Ipomoea versicolor, Ipomoea...
    Mina lobata

    I fiori vistosi di questo vigoroso rampicante, fiorisce tutto l'anno, nelle regioni tropicali e nei luoghi d'origine (centro e sud America). I fiori tubolari emergono rosso scarlatto, diventano arancioni, e infine sfumano in un giallo crema. Arriva ai 5,5 m, perenne dove non gela.

    18,00 €
  • Kalanchoe daigremontiana Kalanchoe daigremontiana
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    Kalanchoe daigremontiana
    Kalanchoe daigremontiana

    Specie succulenta originaria del Madagascar, da coltivare come pianta d’appartamento dove gela, ha magnifici fiori a trombetta e proprietà antitumorali, grazie a flavonoidi, acidi grassi, bufadienolidi e triterpenoididi in essa contenuti.

    7,00 €
  • Echeveria agavoides Echeveria agavoides
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    Echeveria agavoides
    Echeveria agavoides

    Crassula con le punte di foglia bordate di rosso. Più sole riceve più si tinge di rosso. Fiori magnifici a trombetta, sfumati di  giallo e arancio corallo, portati sulla pianta per mesi in primavera sopra lunghi sottili steli. Resiste se ben drenata fino a -6°C. 

    8,00 €
  • Echeveria derenbergii Echeveria derenbergii
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    Echeveria derenbergii
    Echeveria derenbergii

    Pianta grassa con foglie argento, cresce formando colonie e produce magnifici fiorellini a campana di color arancio-giallo, su steli sottili, in primavera. Resiste all'asciutto fino a -6°C. 

    6,00 €
  • Coleus canina  (sin. Plectranthus caninus) Coleus canina  (sin. Plectranthus caninus)
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    Coleus canina (sin. Plectranthus caninus)
    Coleus canina

    Pianta con foglie pelose molto odorose, dal profumo agrumato molto intenso e pungente, sgradito agli insetti molesti. Magnifica fioritura in autunno inverno, in azzurro-blu. 

    9,00 €
  • Echeveria derenbergii Echeveria derenbergii
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    Graptopetalum paraguayense (Graptosedum 'Ghosty')
    Graptopetalum paraguayense

    Pianta grassa con foglie argento, cresce formando colonie e produce grappoli di fiorellini bianchi, su steli sottili, in primavera. Resiste fino a -15° C senza ristagni invernali.

    8,00 €
  • Aloe arborescens Aloe arborescens
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    Aloe arborescens
    Aloe arborescens

    Perenne succulenta che fiorisce in inverno (su coste e isole) con magnifiche spighe rosso corallo lunghe 20 cm e più. In natura può arrivare ai 3 metri di altezza. La pianta ha numerose proprietà curative. Piante di almeno tre anni, cresciute senza l'uso di sostanze chimiche. 

    5,00 €
  • Crassula ovata Crassula ovata
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  • Stapelia asterias var. lucida
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    Stapelia asterias var. lucida
    Stapelia asterias var. lucida

    Stapelia with flowers that look like dark burgundy shiny leather. It blooms most of the year.

    9,00 €
  • Stapelia hirsuta var. tsomoensis
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    Stapelia hirsuta var. tsomoensis
    Stapelia hirsuta var. tsomoensis

    Red-orange, very hairy Stapelia, similar to Stapelia grandiflora, but with more rounded and slightly smaller flowers. Most of the year in bloom.

    10,00 €
  • Aptenia cordifolia Aptenia cordifolia
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    Aptenia cordifolia
    Aptenia cordifolia

    It is a magnificent evergreen succulent ground cover, resistant up to -10 ° C, re-flowering all year round in mild climates, or from spring to autumn in colder climates. Flowers like "daisies" with threadlike petals, intense fuchsia color.

    10,00 €
  • Ceropegia woodii 'Silver Glory' Ceropegia woodii 'Silver Glory'
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    Ceropegia woodii 'Silver Glory'
    Ceropegia woodii 'Silver Glory'

    Succulent plant trailing down with heart-shaped leaves. It comes from Africa, conserves water in its leaves and requires infrequent watering. "Silver glory" is a new cultivar with silvery leaves. Flowers like small elongated trumpets.

    15,00 €
  • Astelia 'Silver Shadow' Astelia 'Silver Shadow'
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    Astelia 'Silver Shadow'
    Astelia 'Silver Shadow'

    Architectural evergreen plant that adds drama and structure with its lance-shaped leaves that seem dusted with silver. It resists like phormiums down to -12 ° C, it must be planted in well-drained soil. It reaches 80 cm in diameter and height.

    20,00 €
  • Senecio macroglossus 'Variegatus' Senecio macroglossus 'Variegatus'
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    Senecio macroglossus 'Variegatus'
    Senecio macroglossus 'Variegatus

    Ivy-like succulent with variegated leaves. With sufficient sun and adequate heat, mature plants bloom all year round.

    10,00 €
  • Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola
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    Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola
    Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola

    Magnificent oxalis with purple foliage, blooms and grows all year round, it should be treated like a succulent plant, little water well drained soil with perlite or pumice. Perfect for hanging pots, very easy care, briar crawling on the ground or from cuttings. It lives well even in bright shade, more sun, more red leaves.

    8,00 €
  • Crassula ovata "Variegata" sin. "Tricolor"  (Albero di giada, pianta dei soldi) Crassula ovata "Variegata" sin. "Tricolor"  (Albero di giada, pianta dei soldi)
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    Crassula ovata "Variegata" sin. "Tricolor" (Albero di giada,...
    Crassula ovata

    Succulent plant with variegated white leaves (if exposed to the sun the edges are tinged with red / pink) It forms a gnarled trunk as it ages, so it looks like a real tree. Clusters of white starry flowers in late winter / early spring.

    10,00 €
  • Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola ‘Plum Crazy’ Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola ‘Plum Crazy’
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    Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola ‘Plum Crazy’
    Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola

    Rare, incredible oxalis with ppink variegatd foliage, blooms and grows all year round, it should be treated like a succulent plant, little water well drained soil with perlite or pumice. Perfect for hanging pots, very easy care, briar crawling on the ground or from cuttings. It lives well even in bright shade, more sun, more red leaves.

    15,00 €
  • Thunbergia battiscombei Thunbergia battiscombei
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    Thunbergia battiscombei
    Thunbergia battiscombei

    Thunbergia battiscombei, in bloom since spring, provides a lush burst of purple trumpet-like flowers with yellow throats, even late in the season, through to fall. The plants start straight from the ground unless they are kept at a temperature above 5 ° C. Even if it is native to subtropical Africa, it is reliable as it shoots from the roots even with...

    30,00 €
  • Oxalis compressa 'Double Trouble' (sin. 'Pom-Pom') Oxalis compressa 'Double Trouble' (sin. 'Pom-Pom')
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    Oxalis compressa 'Double Trouble' (sin. 'Pom-Pom')
    Oxalis compressa

    Bulbous Oxalis for apartment or mild locations, producing bright yellow flowers in winter on clumps of clover-like leaves. This rare cultivar has fully double flowers like miniature chrysanthemums. Very fast and exponential growth.

    8,00 €
  • Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola 'Sunset Velvet' Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola 'Sunset Velvet'
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    Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola 'Sunset Velvet'
    Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola

    Magnificent oxalis with orange-gold foliage with burgundy hues, it flowers and grows all year round, it should be treated as a succulent plant, little water well-drained soil with perlite or pumice. Hanging, very easy, roots by crawling on the ground or from cuttings. It also lives well in bright shade, more sun will accentuate the red of the leaves.

    12,00 €

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