Magnificent flowers with a classic spiral shape, with very large flowers and, as its name implies, with an intoxicating, strong, fruity scent. Vigorous and healthy, it reaches 5 meters in height.
Rosa multiflora a grandi mazzi e intensamente profumata, seguiti da belle bacche rosse e rotonde a grappoli.
Rosa molto rifiorente e profumatissima, ad arbusto ampio e vigoroso, il cui fiore è davvero inusuale per forma e colore.
Arbusto delle farfalle, così chiamato perché le attira con i piccoli fiori tubulari, profumatissimi, riuniti in grandi spighe color viola molto scuro, quasi nero, da cui il nome della cultivar ‘Cavaliere Nero’. Numerosissimi fiori per tutta estate e autunno.
Questa varietà tappezzante di cotoneaster è sempreverde, con rami arcuati che producono fiori bianchi in primavera e bacche rosse in autunno. Utile sia in pieno sole e siccità che in ombra secca.
Arbusto tappezzante, ricadente o rampicante a seconda dell’uso che scegliamo di farne, con foglie variegate giallo-oro e verdi, che si sfumano di rosa per il freddo.
Fotinia a foglie variegate di tre colori: sono verdi variegate di bianco e rosa-rosso. Fiori bianchi in primavera.
Rampicante deciduo a crescita rapida, con foglie ovali, verdi-bluastre e fiori molto profumati, bianco crema, a grappoli terminali. Bacche rosso-arancio in autunno.
Evergreen shrub with vertical habit, shoots off with maturity and therefore has multiple tops, with beautiful pinnate leaves. The yellow flowers are very showy, gathered in about 35 cm long terminal racemes; follow magnificent blue berries. Among the first shrubs of the year to flower, at the beginning of winter.
Ibrido Kordesii, piccola rampicante o grande arbusto. Giallo dorato. diametro medio di 12 cm, fiori grandi, doppi (fino a 25 petali). Fiorisce a ondate tutta la stagione. Folta. fogliame lucido. Altezza e ampiezza fino a 250 cm.
Clematis montana 'Rubens' is a deciduous climbing plant with bronze purple stems and green leaves. In spring it is covered in a profusion of pretty single pale pink flowers. Height 5 meters spread 3 meters. Very resistant, excellent for covering trees, shrubs, for growing together with other climbers or for small buildings and structures. It does not...
Rosa antica originaria, con fiori insoliti a pom pom. Seguono bacche aranciate, spinose.
The brilliant copper orange of the graceful fully double flowers is enhanced by an aromatic fragrance. Particularly harmoniously combines shades of red and yellow. Its foliage is dark green and wonderfully shiny.
Deciduous climber (evergreen in mild climates or depending on winter rigidity) with rapid growth, with oval, bluish-green leaves and very fragrant flowers, pink and cream, with terminal clusters. Red-orange berries in the autumn.
This striking elderberry is perfect for adding color to a vase or garden. It does not exceed 2.5 meters in height. Deep incised foliage and bright lime green, this elderberry forms flattened umbels of white flowers in early summer. Dark berries follow in autumn.
Alpine clematis is one of the first clematis to bloom, from early May to late spring. It bears relatively small, but delightful bell-shaped flowers, up to 4cm in diameter, in a gorgeous shade of lilac/blue. It grows better in the shade than in the sun. Ideal for a north-facing, cool and shady location. After the flowers follow feathery, ornamental seed...
Climbing with yellow flowers, followed by abundant autumn showy feathery fruits. It does not require pruning, unless it is to be kept contained after spring flowering. It blooms profusely from spring to autumn.
Meilland hybrid, small climber (height and width up to 200 cm).Golden yellow, very bright. average diameter of 8 cm, double flowers (up to 50 petals). It blooms in waves all season. Bushy. shiny foliage.
Vigorous climbing rose, distinguished by its healthy foliage and vigorous growth. Decorative winter berries follow the numerous large, fruit-scented flowers.
Romantic rose with an iridescent color, pinkish cream, darker in bud, it fades to white as it opens. Very healthy and upright. The rounded cupped flowers are suitable for cutting.
Floribunda pure white color. Delicately honey scented, hardy and vigorous, flowers very resistant to disease. The plant was born to wish Peace on the 100th anniversary of the first great war. In cold periods the buds take on a powder pink tone as well as the petals; nice glossy green foliage.
Magnificent flowers of an incredible and rare blue-lilac shade. Salvia microphylla hybrids resist low temperatures well and are among the few plants with fragrant leaves that bloom abundantly from spring to autumn.
Ortensia a grandi foglie sfumate di porpora e con magnifici fiori globosi di un iconfondibile color magenta.
Rosa antica rifiorente e molto profumata: una delle più belle rose variegate esistenti.
Uno degli ibridi di tea più famosi: il suo colore è un giallo paglierino con sfumature rosa, colori che ricordano quelli di un'alba.
Hydrangea that stays quite small, and blooms profusely; also suitable for smaller gardens (reaches a maximum of 2 meters in 10 years).It owes its name to the unusual coloring of its leaves, burgundy. In autumn the leaves take on a burgundy color and the flowers also turn from white to bright red. Also suitable for full sun where the color is more evident...
Gardenia 'Crown Jewel' has sweetly scented flowers. Double flowers and resistant to winter climate (resistant to -10 ºC.); blooms on new and old branches. The height is 60 cm and becomes 1 m wide. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Ruby red rose, with a strong scent, with large flowers, very healthy and re-flowering.
Zelkova serrata 'Variegata' è un piccolo albero con rami arcuati e belle foglie variegate. Le foglie sono seghettate e hanno un bella variegatura crema che lentamente vira al rosa in autunno, prima di cadere. Adatta per una posizione a ombra mezz'ombra dove le foglie variegate spiccano maggiormente e non si bruciano al sole più forte. Raggiunge 4 mt in 10...
Fiori stellati a 5 petali, vistosi, leggermente profumati, foglie verdi che diventano rosso-arancio in autunno. Piccoli frutti tondi, verdi, che diventa rosso e, infine, maturano nero-violacei come i mirtilli a inizio estate. Bacche dolci commestibili si possono utilizzare in confetture, gelatine e torte.
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