Dense growing evergreen shrub, the branches with oval leaves can be shaped to defined shapes (small hedges and topiary ars) or left free-form.
Frost-resistant sage, with dark calyxes and a magnificent purple-violet color, dark and velvety, and iridescent.
Ancient Gallic rose, incredibly fragrant and reblooming; very healthy. Full, large cup-shaped flowers. Yolande of Aragon was born in Zaragoza, Aragon, in 1379: she was the wife of Louis II of Anjou, and a strong supporter of Joan of Arc.
Rosa moschata bianca con grandi mazzi fino a 80 fiori, molto profumata.
Rosa ibrido di tea a rifiorenza continua, molto profumata, con fiori grandi e dal colore vivido e con interessanti varianti nel corso delle temperature stagionali.
Rosa ibrido di tea fiori enormi fino a 100 petali, col fascino opulento delle rose antiche. Rifiorentissima e intensamente profumata.
Rosa ibrido di tea profumato e rifiorente, tra le più belle; con fiori incofondibili, molto grandi e arricciati sui bordi.
Rugosa rose with an incredible fragrance, shade tolerant. Rugosa roses are very hardy and healthy.
Fascinating English rose shrub with a magnificent scent of anise, fruit (apricot, peach, raspberry), damask and honey. Full and rich flowers, can be successfully grown in pots.
Pianta erbacea perenne, estremamente resistente, adatta allo xeriscape, a fioritura estiva e autunnale abbondante, prolungata e rifiorente; i fiori rosso corallo sono a forma di trombette allungate, di grande impatto anche dalla distanza.
Berberis rifiorente, in primavera (aprile) e tardo autunno (ottobre-novembre), con piccole foglie sempreverdi che si tingono di rosso con il freddo.
Buddleia con fiori bianchi, molto appariscenti e profumati. Attrae farfalle e insetti impollinatori, foglie verde-grigio semipersistenti.
Pianta arbustiva con abbondanti fiori viola estivo-autunnali, molto profumati, utile per richiamare le farfalle. Foglie verde glauche semi-sempreverdi.
Lonicera caprifoglio sempreverde, con foglie cuoiose verde sfumate di bronzo: le cime nuove sono color rame scuro. Fiori estivi profumatissimi a mazzi, color giallo-arancio che trascolora al bianco-rosa a cui seguono bacche nere in autunno.
Grandiflora rose, very remontant tea hybrid with an intense and fruity aroma, with unusual large and variegated flowers.
Floribunda white with pink edges and highlights gold central stamens, delicately scented. The abundant and ruffled flowers give rose the lightness and delicacy that make it one of a kind. Flowering continues throughout the season.
Compatto arbusto sempreverde, adatto per piccole siepi o in vaso e per punti d'interesse 365 giorni l'anno. Foglie appariscenti composte (l'aspetto complessivo ricorda quello di un piccolo bambù), appariscenti fiori bianchi a inizio estate, che diventano bacche rosse in autunno restando sulla pianta fino all'inverno. Foglie che si tingono di rosso con il...
A selected form of Viburnum tinus, with very attractive carmine buds which are followed by pink tinged white flowers in the winter from October onward.
Resistant rose that derives from Hulthemia persica, healthy, re-flowering. It has a central dark purple eye, and light pink petals, which become darker towards the outside.
Prolific floribunda rose, with arched branches, very rich in small flowers; fits the pot. It can also be used in mixed borders as ground cover. Mutable colors in shades of red-gold-peach.
Beautiful evergreen shrub of the Aquifoliaceae family, extremely dense that adapts well to heavy pruning and hedge topiary and grows up to 2.5m. Unlike boxwood, it does not suffer from borer. The plant blooms in late spring and its fruits ripen in the fall. The fruits are black and inconspicuous and the leaves are generally smaller than the 'Hetzii' or...
Very compact and incredibly fragrant Floribunda rose. Beautiful shape of the flowers, deep pink, tinged with purple, reminiscent of ancient roses.
Among the best roses with magnificent large cut flowers, multi-awarded, perfumed and repeat-flowering; has beautiful buds, very resistant to diseases.
Rare Japanese apricot with white and pink flowers on the same plant, abundant winter flowering occurs on still bare branches, fragrant and double flowers.
Ancient polyantha rose, with a sweet and delicate scent, light pink in color with salmon edges, with a yellow undertone, with red reflections, ages to cream. Color varies.
French floribunda rose with a light scent with bright geranium red flowers. Very healthy, with dark green leaves.
Rosa ibrido di tea molto rifiorente e profumatissima, il fiore lilla-fucsia ne è veramente un segno distintivo.
Hybrid tea rose for cutting, with distinctive flowers due to the incredible rust color, darker or lighter depending on the period and flowering and with purplish / purple tones, which look like velvet. Fruity fragrance.
Modern rose dedicated to Micol Fontana, Italian designer and fashion entrepreneur. Incredibly healthy and very floriferous; the foliage is dense and the flowers are very durable.
Arbusto con rami verde lime-oro, che produce fiori bianchi e poi bacche bianche che attirano gli uccellini in autunno-inverno. Magnifico da spoglio in inverno.
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